Baums Admin is a free Admin! No Panel anymore!
How to Install
- Get the Model: Baums Admin v.2
- Change what you want in Settings!
- Everything else it make alone like add you to Owners!
Coming Features
- kick player
- ban player
- shotdown
- unban player
- banserver player
- import ID
- music ID
- mds message(discord bot)
- give tool
Other Commands in Main are in testing!
Credit: ForeverHD(for TopbarPlus v2)
Version 2
removed m
added btools
This Model will not be updated
It’s looking very nice
but I recommend using pcall(function()
for saving / getting player data (Ban Data)
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Ok i will do it in next Update! 
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Why should I use this over things like Kohl’s or Adonis?
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Hard to say but im thinking of a Echo or Better Chat support.
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I mean if you want to make a chat command thing, I’d recommend you base it on something like for training centers or hotels & cafes.
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This is due to the fact that there aren’t many out there and for small cafes it could be great.
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you use “if” statement for commands and for “arguments” (me,all,etc) it isn’t really optimized
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You need more commands. Theres better admins.
I made this like a year ago and i even said that I will not anymore update it.