Beam.TextureSpacing and Beam:Emit()

Hello, I was planning on making a beam that would simulate a bullet effect. It would basically follow a ray, but instead of having a part I would reduce lag by using a 1-segment beam.

Here’s what I got so far:

Unfortunately, I don’t believe there’s a way to space them out apart from each other, or even if there’s a way to make a beam emit only one texture at a time. So I made this post :smiley:

I think it would be very useful. What I mean by Beam:Emit(x) is basically exactly what you’d think of with a particle emitter - just send x number of textures down the line how you’d expect.


I think a spacing parameter would be nice, but as for bullet effects Trails are more appropriate to use.

the thing about trails is that they require a physical part. I’m trying to get around that by making a ray with a bullet image that slides along it. Think of something like a pulse - that’s what I’m after.

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Don’t you need to parent a Beam’s attachments to a part just like Trail attachments? Trails were designed for effects like bullets, I don’t see how Beams could be used in the same way. Are you experiencing some difficulty with Trails?

Basically I wanted to remove the physics of the bullet - I’d rather just raycast with the gun, but since the world is very large, physics could become very laggy very quickly. My way around it was to use a pulse of a beam that follows the ray (all beams would be parented to some part at 0,0,0.) That would make the physics engine only compute for one static part rather than multiple mobile parts. Trails would be possible, but obv. it requires a new part, which I’m trying hard not to have to make.

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