Been using uigradients to make progress bars but now it doesnt work anymore

Hello, i believe roblox might have changed how uigradient transparency numbersqequennce works a little bit which has made it so all the progress bar for my games now looks like it fades the color all the way instead of having one color. I use a numbersequence like example (1. time 0 val 0) (2. time 0.99 val 0) (3. time 1, value 1). This makes it so that i can make progress bars by setting the offset. Like -0.5 would be half progress. Now with this exact way i’ve been using it doesn’t work the same anymore. Now it fades the whole bar color no matter what. I found a way to get it do work like before by putting the 2. time to 0.89 instead of 0.99. So with a +0.1 gap it then works which seems so weird to me. It creates odd looking end of the bar because of this as well which i hate. Im wondering why roblox would change something like this or if it might be a unintentional change that might be fixed. Also has seemed like other gradients i use been working oddly.

Here it shows my how it actually looks like. I really wonder why they would change something like this


Forgot to say that on mobile it works exactly like it has always worked. So it is only on pc that that gradients mess up. Seems like it has to be a roblox issue they gotta fix or idk why it would work on mobile correctly but not pc.

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Roblox just fixed this issue it seems so thats good

Yup, this has been fixed. See below: