Hello, i believe roblox might have changed how uigradient transparency numbersqequennce works a little bit which has made it so all the progress bar for my games now looks like it fades the color all the way instead of having one color. I use a numbersequence like example (1. time 0 val 0) (2. time 0.99 val 0) (3. time 1, value 1). This makes it so that i can make progress bars by setting the offset. Like -0.5 would be half progress. Now with this exact way i’ve been using it doesn’t work the same anymore. Now it fades the whole bar color no matter what. I found a way to get it do work like before by putting the 2. time to 0.89 instead of 0.99. So with a +0.1 gap it then works which seems so weird to me. It creates odd looking end of the bar because of this as well which i hate. Im wondering why roblox would change something like this or if it might be a unintentional change that might be fixed. Also has seemed like other gradients i use been working oddly.
Here it shows my how it actually looks like. I really wonder why they would change something like this
