As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to . . .
As a Roblox developer it’s currently impossible to accurately display your game’s release date. The “created” display is inaccurate and gives players the wrong impression of when a game has released. I want the ability to set a release date and make it clear that a game came out a certain date, so that it’s easier to discuss stats “since release” etc.
My game, which came out last summer, is believed to be released a year earlier than it really was.
You could also potentially put it as a future date, so that you can build hype to your game, so that players will know when the game releases and know to be there for it.
My upcoming game has been referred to (even on Roblox’ own Twitch streams) as “In development since 2011” which is so incredibly far off the mark, and shouldn’t be possible. I want users to know it’s coming out this winter, not 6 years ago.
If Roblox is able to address your issue, how would it improve your game and/or your development experience? Please be as specific as possible.
This would improve both the experience for developers and the users. Reviewers and streamers can actually get the correct release date without referring to incorrect dates such as when the place was created, and developers can use it for things like anniversary updates and comparisons. In general, it’d make the game page more accurate.
Here’s the Roblox stream clip of the game being “made in 2011”, lol: Twitch