Best way to make easily attacking moves and organize cooldowns?

Hello, i’m about to make a FFA game which is really simple to do, when a player spawns he gets certain moves.
I need help about organizing the attacks, cooldown and local-side effects.

What I was thinking is to execute a remote and server-side handles cooldown with a global variable table, the hitbox and the damage (which both are in modules), if it hits the player it does :FireAllClients for the effects.
Is this a good way to do it?

For attacking moves, you’ll want to use a module script for the moves so that you can call that specific move

For effects, I suggest using a server script because a local script can only be seen by your player, not everyone. FireAllClients might fix it but it’s not suggested.

Im thinking of making like MoveQ, MoveE for the organization but im stuck of how to do it so i can access to them easily

That’s not my problem, my problem is organizating the cooldown of the inputs server-side, I know I can use _G, Modules, etc but i don’t know how can I organize the variables and all. My problem is more of “logic” than code.