Best ways to optimize a game?

Hello there! So I wanted to know how do you guys optimize all the things in your games. Maybe you use some plugins or scripts? Please write your answer, I will read all of them.


In what parts of your game are you looking to optimize specifically?

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You can optimise scripts by

  • Going through all of them and removing all unnecessary, repeated or code that can be used another way through loops.

  • Settings denounces in scripts that fire rapidly using wait()

  • Using lower triangle count with Meshes.


I mean optimizing map.

30 chars


I just use folders in Workspace for specific models and stuff

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i think he means optimize, not organize


For hardcore optimization, I’d recommend looking into culling.

For soft optimization, I’d recommend looking into what exactly lags your map (whether it be a specific, general area or a model of some kind). After finding the cause, I’d recommend finding a way to either redistribute the amount of parts that create lag, think of alternative forms of representation, or altogether remove it from the map until it needs to be called in visually, which usually leads into the first option.


Have streaming enabled set to true or create your own rendering system.

If you’re using meshes make sure they’re optimized and low poly. If you want to have detailed meshes, you should learn how to bake.
When modelling make sure you remove all faces that can not be seen, for example bottom faces.
Remove duplicates and useless vertices/faces/edges.

As for parts, unions are bad and you should avoid them. Unions and textures/decals consume memory that mobile devices can struggle with.


Might help you :man_shrugging:


Decals only on sides of a part people will see.

Lowering triangles/poly count on any mesh or mesh converted union in 3D modeling software when possible.

Reducing the amount of parts and unions.

Enabling StreamingEnabled in large maps if necessary.

If using terrain, optimize by removing voxels unseen by players, for example if you have a bulk of terrain under the map no one ingame will see, reduce it.

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Thank you guys for all the suggestions!


Replace loops for event listeners wherever possible, and also learn when to disconnect events to save on memory usage.