Spawned parts prematurely disappearing without request

I am creating a cloud generator that spawns clouds at a rate of x clouds per second (30 in my case) in one region, makes them move along the Z-axis, and then upon reaching a certain Z value, deletes them. The clouds utilize meshes. However, after about 1 minute, clouds start dissapearing even before reaching the designated Z-axis mark. 30*60 = 1800 clouds, which should not be a problem. However, I am still suspecting that the system is struggling and is unable to keep up. Therefore, the system may be deleting parts itself to save the game from crashing. I came here to confirm if this is the problem or if there is something in my script that I am overlooking, leading to the premature deletion of my clouds. If the system is deleting the clouds to maintain the integrity of the game, I would appreciate some advice on how to accommodate more clouds if possible.

The script for the cloud generation is below. GammaModule is just a module script I made which statistically gets a random number from any gamma distribution with a specified alpha and beta.

cloud generation script:

-- Framework created by Stickmaster, added features by Armenia1997	
local workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")
local lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local runService = game:GetService("RunService")
local generatorModule = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.GammaModule) 

limits = {, 200, 2900),, 1000, 3000)}
local respawnZ = -500
local cloudsPerSecond = 30
local cloudName = "Cloud"				
local cloudsGroupName = "Clouds"
local rotatedClouds = true		

local rate = 1 / 30
local lastRelease = 0

local clouds = script.Parent:FindFirstChild(cloudsGroupName) or"Model", script.Parent)
clouds.Name = cloudsGroupName

local function computeColor(altitude, avgSize)
	local ratio = ((altitude * 3) + avgSize) / 1000
	local color = ratio * 15 + 155
	if color > 255 then
		color = 255
	return Color3.fromRGB(color, color, color)

local function computeYPos(size)
	local avgSize = (size.x / 3 + size.y + size.z / 3) / 2
	local yPos = math.random(limits[1].y, limits[2].y) + (math.random(1, 5) / 5) * avgSize
	return yPos

local function createcloud(pos)
	local cloneCloudName
	local randomCloud = math.random(1, 3)

	if randomCloud == 1 then
		cloneCloudName = "Cloud1"
	elseif randomCloud == 2 then
		cloneCloudName = "Cloud2"
		cloneCloudName = "Cloud3"

	local cloneCloud = game.Lighting:FindFirstChild(cloneCloudName)
	local newCloud = (cloneCloud and cloneCloud:clone()) 
	if cloneCloud then
		local desiredMax = 4000
		local desiredMin = 100
		local alpha = 0.1
		local beta = 1
		local xSize = generatorModule.generateNumber(alpha, beta, desiredMin, desiredMax)
		local desiredMax = 200
		local desiredMin = 50
		local alpha = 4
		local beta = 1
		local elevate = 225 - generatorModule.generateNumber(alpha, beta, desiredMin, desiredMax)
		local zRan = math.random(1, 4)
		local zRanSign = math.random(1, 2)
		local zAxis
		if zRanSign == 1 then
			zAxis = xSize + math.random(0, math.floor((xSize * zRan) / 20))
			zAxis = xSize - math.random(0, math.floor((xSize * zRan) / 20))
		local size =, math.random(math.floor(xSize / 4), math.floor(xSize / 3)) + elevate, zAxis * 1.5)
		newCloud.Mesh.Scale = size
		pos =, computeYPos(size), pos.z) 
		local avgSize = (size.x / 3 + size.y + size.z / 3) / 2
		local altitude = pos.y
		local color = computeColor(altitude, avgSize)
		newCloud.Color = color
	if rotatedClouds then
		newCloud.CFrame = newCloud.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi * 2 * math.random(), 0)
	local desiredMax = 50
	local desiredMin = 70
	local alpha = 100
	local beta = 1
	local altitude = pos.y
	local velocity = generatorModule.generateNumber(alpha, beta, desiredMin, desiredMax) + math.random(0, 5) * altitude / 600
	newCloud.Name = "CloudSpeed" .. velocity
	newCloud.Transparency = 0
	newCloud.CanTouch = false
	newCloud.CanCollide = false
	newCloud.Parent = clouds

local gc = clouds:GetChildren()

while true do
	local t1, t2 = wait(rate)
	local gc = clouds:GetChildren()
	if lastRelease < t2 then
		lastRelease = t2 + 1 / cloudsPerSecond  
		createcloud([1].x, limits[2].x), math.random(limits[1].y, limits[2].y), math.random(limits[1].z, limits[2].z)))

	for i,v in pairs(gc) do
		local speed = string.sub(v.Name,11)
		v.CFrame = v.CFrame +, 0, -speed * rate)
		if v.Position.z < respawnZ then

I’d really appreciate any help! If you need GammaModule to replicate the simulation, let me know!

I have a sneaking suspicion (:nerd_face:) that it may be due to a built-in performance limiter. Try opening performance stats or other tools which allow you to see how roblox is doing. Have you also tried testing this in an open roblox game?

I am not experienced with using performance stats in Roblox Studio. I took a look at the summary stats, and towards the end where a lot of clouds were populated, the FPS dropped to 19 frames per second, and the rendering would turn orange.

Is there anything specific I should look at or any other information that would be helpful, since I have never had to examine stats before? None of the previous games/minigames I am developing or working on are nearly as resource-intensive as this one.

Yeah, it is defo a performance issue then. Something I have tried in the past is using the resources in this thread:

Also, take a look at if it is really neccesary to have this many clouds / have them all active.

I’ll look into this later and will likely mark this as the solution! Thanks!

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