[Beta] 3D Importer Import Queue

One small request/note - It would be greatly beneficial to my workflows if there were a way to select several items at once and set the target to which they will be uploaded (i.e. player, a specific group, ect), as such a functionally would allow me to bulk upload large batches of assets at once without having to manually iterate through them individually and scroll through 100 groups to assign the correct owner(s).


This looks like a really neat update. One thing I’m finding super annoying is without the Import Queue previously when you imported a model and clicked the final import it would take you to your model and select it for you (It would be nice to have it so when you click on one of the models you’ve imported you get taken to it and it gets selected in the workspace similar to when you press F with a model selected) Thank you!

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Thanks for the suggestion! We’re actively looking into how we can improve group upload at import time and as you manage your assets going forward.

We disabled this due to user feedback pre-release where importing several assets at once jerked the camera around. We’re looking into adding this functionality back in a better and less jarring way.

nah, he takes to much loading the mesh


Hey! Could you please dm me the files you were trying to import as well as what you did before seeing this bug? Thanks!

This looks awesome! thank you so much Roblox! I love the anchored/unanchored quick edit methods. Can’t wait to see what is coming!!! :grinning: :+1:

i can’t import models.


Hey! It looks like you might have pressed the plugin button or the X button. The Import Queue needs to be open to continue to upload, otherwise we assume you’re done with the queue and no longer want to upload.