[Beta] 3D Importer Import Queue

Hello Creators!

We’re excited to announce an update to the 3D Importer, allowing you to import multiple FBX, OBJ, or gLTF files at once!

The Import Queue is a beta feature that allows you to open, configure, and upload several 3D files all at once. With this feature, you’ll have the quicker iteration time of the Bulk Importer added to the configurability of the 3D Importer.

How to use the Import Queue

First, enable the Import Queue beta in Studio by going to File > Beta Features and clicking “Import Queue”.

If you also have the “Next Gen Studio Preview” beta feature on, you can open the Import Queue by going to File > Import 3D. Otherwise, click on the Import 3D button on the Home or Avatar tab. You should see a file select window pop up automatically. Select the meshes you’d like to import and click Open. You’ll see them start to load in the queue.

Once your files have loaded, you can begin to modify them. Apply presets via the dropdown, or open the file in the familiar Import Preview by clicking the asset name. Swap a file with another one by clicking the path link.

You can deselect files from being imported by clicking the checkbox. Once everything is configured the way you like it, you can press the Import button to start the queue.

And that’s it! You can find your assets in Toolbox or by clicking on the asset in the Explorer and pressing “F” to focus it.

Known Issues

As with any beta, we need to be sure it fits into your workflows. Is there anything we missed or something you’re finding particularly annoying? Leave a comment so we can figure out if there’s anything we can do to help!

Relatedly, we have a handful of known UI/UX bugs that will be fixed over the coming weeks.

Users with lower-end devices may run into memory issues. We’re looking into ways to offload resources and provide warnings when we’re reaching a ceiling.

As we move towards a general release, we’ll also be working on better documentation and onboarding.

What’s next?

First, we’re looking forward to reading and responding to your feedback! Please let us know your thoughts as you try out the Import Queue.

Longer term, we’re looking to transition from mesh importing to :sparkles:Universal Importing :sparkles: with Image, Audio, and Video support, and aim to fully replace the current Bulk Importer embedded in Asset Manager. If there are any features you wish Bulk Import had or issues that you’d like to see resolved in the updated one, let us know! We’ll do our best to address them!


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Super excited to get to use this!


PEAK UPDATE. Thank you so much for the awesome updates.


W updates recently i <3 roblox



Also now if I click on the 3D Import Button. Previously I could click on it and it would open the upload window all the times. But now it’s also a toggle for the Import Queue at the same time :thinking:


OH MY GOOdness gracious this is gonna be super useful


Such a useful QoL update. I’ll definitely be using this.


Two big feature requests I have for 3D importer is

  1. automatic splitting of meshes that exceed 2048 stud dimensions (imagine slicing the mesh in half or in chunks with a knife - maybe the submeshes can be grouped together in a model; there could be a warning prompt asking if you want it to be auto-split),
  2. import fbx object attributes in as roblox instance attributes - if you didn’t know, fbx file format supports custom attributes like ints floats bools etc assigned to the objects, other engines like Unity support importing this additional data in fbx and can be used by game devs to assign level data to their maps and models designed in blender

Can we do this same thing but with animations and exporting them


I’m still waiting for you guys to add animation settings, being able to change the looped and animationpriority properties on animations in the 3D importer is such a huge need, especially when importing characters with a large set of animations


@Fluffmiceter, @coolmapj, @Celnak I’ve forwarded these to the rest of the team. We will need time to talk about each of them and decide what we want to do, but I think they’re really interesting and good points! Thank you!


THIS!! Going through animation editor is really not it, it would make things much easier if we could adjust weight, looping valuables inside the importer.


Very nice to see Roblox updating studio with useful updates. This is a great improvement to workflow, thank you. :pray:


I would like to suggest a feature that allows users to set default import settings for meshes, specifically the anchored property. This would ensure that all imported meshes are automatically anchored by default, streamlining the workflow and reducing the need for manual adjustments.


These are great additions, on a side note please consider a feature where exporting Roblox assets as FBX is possible. This would make the animation pipeline in blender so much easier with Roblox so that we don’t have to tediously prepare things manually from Roblox to Blender.


This is the best update we want such good updates!!:+1:


Hi, thanks for the nice update! I have this question! Why now in 3D Importer when I set the checkbox (Anchored = true ) my imported meshes are still Anchored = false ?


This exists! Check out Custom Presets: you can define a preset by going to any mesh node, clicking anchored, and then clicking the menu in the top right to save as a custom preset. Then, in the same menu set that preset as your default. Now every mesh that you open will have all its parts anchored by default.

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Thanks for reporting, we’ll check it out

Edit: This will be fixed next week. In the meantime, selecting Anchored on the mesh directly works ok–to do this easily click on a mesh node and turn Anchored on, then right click the “Apply to all selected nodes” option