[Beta] New Experiences Have Team Create Enabled

Could not agree more. I’d like it if Roblox was more of a generic game engine that could be ported over much like Unity, but also maintain its own platform and community at the same time.

Though I can’t see that future coming true for Roblox.


I don’t really know how I feel about this. The thing is, I don’t want Studio to be a cloud IDE. And my primary editing experience will literally never be Team Create even if it’s forced, because I’ll always be using VSCode and Rojo and Git and GitHub.

What’s the point of adding significant overhead to my workflow and severely harming its reliability when I don’t even use the features in the first place?

It’s not just a matter of Team Create having a history of being unreliable, in fact, that has nothing to do with it for me.

I don’t want Roblox to be the only game engine ever that can’t handle a McDonalds, or can lose you days of work over a funny little 15 minute storm.

Why should I need to download an entire universe to my computer every time I want to run 4 lines of code?

Personally, if I could, I would legitimately trade the entirety of Team Create and all the features that come with it just to be able to open Roblox Studio without internet, because the ability to do this would literally be worth more money and time to me.

I would pay to strip away features to be able to use Studio off the cloud and would literally gain money as a result.


Hey everyone,

We’re happy to announce that we have fixed the issue, and the feature is now in Beta.

Thank you.

the devforum needs a downvote button

My thoughts on this have been expressed by others replying but this feature sucks, especially for any professional developer who is operating with tools like Rojo, or even anyone who does a lot of experimentation. My more general thoughts on Roblox’s tight integration with the cloud have been similarly expressed by others, however this crosses a line, as it directly impedes productivity.

At the very least I would expect this remains something that can be disabled/opted out of indefinitely, otherwise it would be severely detrimental to myself and other developers’ workflows.


Can you fix the issue where this feature was added in the first place


I’m fine with team create being enabled for published places, but new places should in no way ever be published by default. They should remain temporary as they were. If I want to publish my project, I will do so myself. If I only want it saved locally and not published, I will do that myself. Please do not force this on developers. Thank you.

It would also be nice to finally be able to actually delete places/experiences and assets instead of just archiving them.


Is this enough as a replacement?

The best fix to this would be to do a 180 on the decision to be cloud based. Roblox Team Create servers down? Sorry cant work on your places now!

Edit: Roblox just partially went down and

The cloud is going great guys!


I encountered a bug where this feature was implemented into my studio client in the first place, would be appreciated if you guys could roll out a patch removing it from my studio client altogether.

Although Studio has been “always-online” for a while now. So if there’s an issue with certain services like yesterday, you won’t even be able to log into Studio. Plus if you don’t have internet, you’re just straight out of luck. But that’s a whole different issue.

Not even a single time, I’ve always wanted to create a game file without publishing to Roblox but when i want this option to be enabled (so that studio won’t assign a new game with Team create enabled) it won’t apply when selecting template and create the place and it’s still gonna publish the game and enable team create.

still annoying and i don’t support this feature


I don’t like this change at all.
I want offline studio, not always online.
Plus for solo devlopers, this makes editing places incredibly slow, as now instead of just saving to your own computer you have to wait for everything to upload to a cloud server (very slow)>
My bet is that a majority of developers are doing this solo. This does nothing but make the experience worse with no tangible benefits.
Forcing team create is bad. I re-iterate: not everyone works in a team. Thats a small amount of people.
Also, sometimes I create empty baseplates for testing small things. If roblox wants the cloud cluttered up with places that would otherwise go unsaved, then I guess they are deciding to shoot themselves in the foot in the process.
Bad change, if team create is forced on me with no option for local offline places, then I will permanently stop developing on Roblox.
Updates should improve QOL, not actively degrade it for no reason.


I have a similar problem with team create and animations. I’m currently working on a big project that I started recently and Roblox put on team create without telling me. So I’ve already have a few broken animations and my internet likes to switch on and off. Just thought I could share my situation.

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Perhaps an “easy mode” and “advanced mode” for settings can help with the one-size-fits-all.

For beginners, they can easily apply settings without the large spectrum of knowledge of individual buttons needed (perhhaps hiding ones they potentially don’t need when they start), whilst also providing a way for more experienced developers to edit specific settings without the trouble of the one-size-fits-all.


Hello Developers,

We appreciate all of the feedback you provided on this beta. We’ve ensured your feedback is reflected in the prioritization of our immediate roadmap:

  • Improving problems with commit flows for scripting
  • Decreasing place join times
  • Improving connection reliability
  • Adding more oversight into changes/activities
  • Improving your control of place management

It’s clear that Team Create can cause friction without these improvements. You can expect these changes to Team Create in the near future.

Meanwhile, we have shipped an update to this beta so that it’s easier to opt out of defaulting to Team Create when creating a new experience. If you are using the beta, you will now see a “Display Team Create Toggle when creating a new experience” setting in Studio settings. When the setting is enabled, a “Team Create” toggle will appear in the Studio start page when creating a new place. You can toggle Team Create on or off for the new place you create from the start page. The prior setting controlling Ctrl+N behavior still works (“File → New (Ctrl+N) creates a place with Team Create off”).

We have a few more improvements upcoming in this beta to make your development easier.

Please share your feedback on the new update.

Thank you!


Does enabling this allows Team Create into every game that YOU own?

The new setting shows the toggle so you can pick TC status when you create new places.

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Is there a plan to provide continued support for *.rbxl files, or will we be forced at some point to upload our local place files to the cloud if we wish to keep working on them?


Yes, those are good points, but “improving connection reliability” is not what is being asked for here. What is wanted is proper offline editing. Every single game altering feature that makes sense to be in studio should be accessible offline. This includes switching your game between R6 and R15. Of course, better connection is always good. But editing with zero connection is better.


Why… is this a toggle that you have to turn on? You do plan to continue to support non team create studio sessions, right? Put that thing on the page and leave it there, why is this such a hard ask? It will be half a decade before Roblox has TC stable enough for anyone to halfway accept this change.

Studio is already a garbage fire with the issues introduced by the docking overhaul right now, this is not something Roblox PR nor developer morale can tolerate right now.

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How do I go about adding someone to TC? FOr some reason it’s not showing in game settings nor anywhere else. I am on a mac