[Beta] Transfer Experiences to Groups & Track Group Activity

Hey Creators,

Over a year ago, we launched a paid, manual process to transfer your experiences from your user account to a group you own. We are incredibly excited to announce that this is now free and accessible from Creator Hub for everyone, and we are re-imbursing everyone who paid for the manual transfer! Additionally, we have launched the Group Activity Tracker - a place to track what your collaborators are doing within your Group. Let’s dive into the details.

As a reminder, Groups are now the way to manage your collaborations across Creator Hub and Studio, whilst Communities are the way to engage and grow your community.

Experience Ownership Transfer

You can now transfer experiences you own on your Roblox account to a Group where you have ‘publish experience’ permission. To begin the process, you simply go to your experience settings, and choose to initiate an ownership transfer request.

Once you have sent off a transfer request, the group owner will receive an email and notification on Creator Hub to review the request. You can also directly share the experience overview page with them. They can then review the request, and either accept or reject it.

There are multiple prerequisites, you will need to review when transferring your experience to a group, as an experience has many interdependencies. Next year, we will continue to make this system more streamlined (for example, improved handling of private assets), but in the meantime, you must read the notices throughout the process, and understand the implications. You can read the documentation to learn how to prepare your experience for ownership transfer and what prerequisites exist.

As mentioned above, this will replace the manual process we have been running for over a year. Many of you paid for this service, and as the feature is now free for creators, we wanted to spread a bit of early holiday cheer - everyone who used the manual process will be fully reimbursed! You should see the Robux returned by mid-January at the latest.

Group Activity Tracker

Once you have your experience in your Group, you can more easily add collaborators. We have also added features to make it easier to track those collaborators for visibility and safety!

We have overhauled the Group Audit Log, pulling the creator-related actions into the new Activity Tracker in Creator Hub. This is where you can see actions your collaborators are making to your group - such as updating or assigning a role. You can also provide permission to roles within your Group to view the Activity Tracker. The Activity Tracker will show events from 1:30pm PT 4th December 2024 onwards, as that is when the system was enabled.

You’ll notice actions such as an experience being edited will not appear in the Group Activity Tracker - instead, they will continue to appear in that experience’s Activity Tracker. This is a space for actions directly affecting your Group, such as revenue or profile changes, or new assets being uploaded. More of these events will be added early next year.

What’s Next?

Headed into next year, there’s a lot in our plans! For ownership transfer, we want to continue to open this feature - we’re investigating the viability of group-to-group transfers, as well as transfers of other types of content. A key focus first here will be making the existing transfer process increasingly streamlined, however - for example, handling private assets such as animations.

For the overall Groups product, we are focused on more permissions, per-experience permissions, and support for larger teams and studios who want a richer hierarchy reflected in their groups.

As always, a big thank you from the team to everyone for your continued feedback. Please continue to let us know what you want to see next!

Happy holidays,
Creator Success


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Awesome! This was very important and necessary for developers to migrate their games from a profile to a group easily without the need of contacting support, whatever…

I’d love to see more features related to groups in the future such as:

  1. Currently there’s no way to programmatically prompt a certain player a certain group to join, this issue has been around since 2014: New Group Methods and events
  2. Ability to have an “auto-mod” exactly as the one on discord, to filter words, links, etc.

Pay your respects to those who paid 30000 robux.


This is awesome!! I love this update!


Cool update! Just i have the concern if hackers got the ability to just steal your game after they got through 2 step-


Aren’t they called communities though?
Roblox staff is being so 3 months ago.




the auto mod one is very needed


another W update , keep going Roblox

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I’ve been waiting for this for years!

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First anti-spam updates and now this! All I have to say is:

Hope forums release publicly soon!


They already mentioned that people who paid for the manual transfer will be getting their money back.


Might be about time for me to bite the bullet. Thanks for this!

It’s not great that we still have to do the animation transfer ourselves, it would have been nice if Roblox could figure out a way to automate this. Instead, I have to rely on relatively clumsy third party tooling that may not be maintained forever.

It really sucks that there’s no way for me to stage this so I can test whether or not I’ve done the animation migration properly either. I have to initiate the transfer and then rush to reupload all of the animations to minimize my downtime. Coupled with the rate limit issue mentioned in the docs, this is ugly.


just tried it, worked flawlessly! thank you devs


Amazing feature, been watching it since it was born, I see the handing of assets is still being worked on, I’ll wait for that moment to move my game to my group, I have a lot of animations on my game and don’t want to have to spend time moving the animations manually, them being moved automatically in the future will help a lot, just hope it doesn’t take too long to get released, thanks.

what is the third party tool that can do that ?

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There is some help documentation linked in the modal when you click on the button to start an ownership transfer.


how i can see experience private assets first ?

What about group to group transfers?

“One transferred, experience cannot be transferred for the next 30 days.”

Does it mean it can be transferred from a group to group?

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