Better Development Discussion moderation

While development discussion was opened for everyone, it made it easier for anyone to post a discussion which can be both good or bad. Most of the posts are really cool to talk about while a few are just advertising or just not related to Roblox

If it’s possible, can there be a system in place to better moderate this?

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A system for this already exists. Flag bad posts.


I know that exists but like, I wish people would be able to post in that category after they know how the forum works instead of everyone.

Is this all we are expected to do? Really?


Like come on.

A topic about their CPU getting fried?


Also since I entered the forum today I saw like 2 game jams in development discussion

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I hate to be one to point those out, it was nice when we had regulars only able to post there. But what should happen is make it members who have been in the forum for a long time, not needing the regular role

Its not even only for development discussion tho, in a topic I saw earlier the guy was expecting people to give a script to them in scripting support because they simply couldnt do it. (Not saying who it is)

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Yes. Both of those topics have been flagged and will likely be removed when DET processes the flag queue.

You seeing these obviously lowball topics in the list doesn’t really impact your forum experience, you know they’ll be bad, and you don’t have to read them. Better threads outnumber these threads.

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I think the name ‘Development Discussion’ is misleading to new people as they would assume it’s for help, not just for discussion

Which kinda stinks because new members would feel discouraged from posting here because their first post was flagged and removed

Yes and that some assumes it is for discussion for anything else (even though it is clearly said “DEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION”)

But as I said, every other category needs that too.

Yea that would be a better idea. Or even once the post approval replacement is implemented, members can create topics going through that process. Everyone wins. But since many new members who are less knowledgeable are misusing the category it is detrimental to the browsing experience, especially for users who may not know or care about the sorts. (like top, unread etc)


I hope the DevRel will implement something to allow people who know the devforum a lot more to have access to posting and those who don’t would have to go through the acceptance process. I don’t want it to be only for regulars because it’s very hard to get that role, especially not knowing the requirements to get it too

There is a system for moderating the discussion category, but it would be helpful if people would take the time to read the rules for each category before posting. Most posts I see that don’t belong in a specific category are honestly just people who didn’t read the rules and made a mistake. People correct them, flag the post, and move on. I don’t think many people post in the wrong category on purpose, although it does happen sometimes. But I feel like the moderation on the DevForum is pretty good. It’s probably easier to moderate the forums than the Roblox website because there are fewer users on the forums. Usually people respond to posting in the wrong category quickly and posts are moderated very shortly after they’re posted. These are just my observations.

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I’d also like to bring up about how new members should learn to look up topics before posting because it can be annoying to see the same topic repeatedly

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This is my proposed solution that Roblox should do:

  • Create an interactive experience for new members when they first join
  • teach users how to use it and teach them the do’s and don’t’s

By teaching them this, it allows them to learn how to be professional on the forum and gives them a crash course