Better SCP Keycards

I haven’t seen any article on the wiki specifying that, so I guess it’s a reader’s choice type of thing.

I mean yeah but all those extra cards are also amazing!

Oh also, if you’re interested:

A google doc showing which keycards can open stuff like gates (A, B) the containment tier, etc.

Document based off of SCP:SL wiki cause couldn’t find a better way than a table


Nice! Its all explained nicely

Thanks! Also, if you find something that doesn’t make sense, like scientist keycard having gate access (yeah i found that earlier) please tell me.

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Ok sure. I’ll look at it again

Seems a little bit weird: Facility Director card - Armory Access Tier - None

Yeah I’ll give it like tier 2 or something

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The cards themselves look alright. They aren’t super wowing, they’re just like other cards I’ve seen so you nailed that one.

For the door that you made, I think it’s a bit weird in terms of the sounds not linking up with the tween. Also the door seems to move a bit too quickly to be realistic for a facility door. Those are quite hefty, and do not open straight away, and very easily.

Pretty good work nonetheless

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The sounds not linking up with the tween is most likely the video, as in studio it works fine. As for the door moving too fast, well, the foundation has the newest tech possible so I guess it would be possible? Actually, it’s mainly for gameplay purposes. The game is something like SCP:SL, so if you’re being chased by something and the door is closed, there’s a high chance of you dying if it opens slow. Still, thanks alot for the feedback.

Yeah! I love them, good job man! Maybe cou can change some text fonts, but even now it is already beautiful :slightly_smiling_face:

I think I’ll stick to the current fonts, but anyways thanks for the feedback!

I really like it and good work!

Thanks alot for the feedback! I appreciate it!

i think these cards are well detailed and i like the bevel, nice job!

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!

Wow! These look slick!
Love the door animation, the noise is very fitting.

Thanks alot for the feedback! I appreciate it!

I know this is an old post, but I have remade the door, SCP Hallway feedback - #13 by Tiwernik.

This is a great project, cards and the doors are amazing! Wish I could use that for any SCP games I was developing but I abandoned them. Keep up the good work!