BevelMesh Object

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to work with bevels in building.

It’s already obvious that there are a lot of use cases for bevels. Here are just a few:



There are currently two ways to bevel an edge.

  1. Split the part into two and add a wedge (or cylinder) between them at the edge. Need to split the part into three (n+1) if we want a flat bevel with two (n) segments. It also gets complicated when we have two connected beveled edges because we need to introduce corner wedges (or spheres).
  2. Create a mesh of the same size as the part with the desired bevels and upload it.

Option 1 can be automated with plugins but can only be done on anchored parts. Option 2 can be done on unanchored parts but takes too long.
And both options have the resize problem. The only way to resize a part with bevels is by making a new part with a new size and then doing the bevel process over again. This is a major problem because building involves a lot of trial and error. You try one size, see how it looks, and then resize it to make it look better; it’s impossible to get the right size on the first try.

What I propose is something that solves all these problems. There should be an object called BevelMesh that we can put into a part that makes the part get drawn with bevels. We can specify the bevel type (round vs. flat), the number of segments for flat bevels, the bevel radius, and which edges are beveled. When the part is resized, the mesh is updated immediately like SpecialMeshes already do.


There are a few Meshes out there in free models that are old arm/leg or torso meshes based on 1x1x2 or 1x2x2 Parts. If you are using Parts that are flatter than those scales then it might look a bit dodgy.
It does involve a bit of math to resize the mesh to the Part size, but it’s pretty straightforward.
I’ve put them in my 69scott69 mesh kit (previous name) if you want to have a look.

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You can simply put the part in a model with a Humanoid and name the part Torso. :stuck_out_tongue:
(this is an option, and can be considered a third method of achieving bevels)

I still support, though as it would help building and development tremendously.

Yeah, you can add SpecialMeshes to parts and set their MeshId to "rbxasset://avatar\\meshes\\torso.mesh" or any of those:

There are some hidden, non-scriptable, non-accessible properties in BlockMeshes which used to specify bevel types, but as they are hidden and unwritable/unreadable, we pretty much need to resort to the character meshes.