Beyond the Dark: A Vistech Showcase

Amazing showcase to see although it doesn’t really run smooth unless you’re on the lowest graphics quality. I averaged about 20-30 FPS on max graphics on my laptop: GTX 1660 Ti, Intel Core i7-9750H.

Can’t wait for what’s in store over the next coming months/years. (hopefully a lot more performance upgrades lol)


Roblox will be soon goona look like 90s 3d video games with low poly avatars.


I Completely forgot about this coming out today, I had the day off from work I could’ve checked this out, will have to check it out a bit later when I can. The trailer blew me away, I was amazed at the graphics and just how far roblox has come since 2012.

I remember when dynamic lighting was added, that was a pretty big deal in its time, now we have the lighting we have now and pbr and other stuff, it’s a big leap in the graphics.

I’m excited to see what more is added, the layered clothing with custom characters is something I am excited to try out.

A 7 3700x and 2080super should run on max pretty good


About 15 fps with an RTX3080 at 1440p.
I get a higher framerate in Atomic Heart with full ray tracing than in this demo.
Pleases my eyeballs though!

On closer inspection, only about 20% of my GPU and CPU are being used. Resizing the window doesn’t affect my framerate, so it must be single-thread CPU constrained performance.


Very high gpu usage. Poorly optimised for these visuals.

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Amazing showcase, I can make it run on my bad computer at 30 FPS. I think we can do better in the future, I’m gonna try do to this too.

Amazing showcase with great detail, lightning and shaders, however it is very poorly optimized.


This is cool, but 20 fps on an overclocked 2070 super and an i7-8700k running at 5ghz is yikes.


However, It runs on 1-4 fps on my mid-end computer. The meshes didn’t cause lag, the lightning does.

Random kid: “roblox is for 9 yr/olds and graphics look like 1990”

Captured on NVIDIA GTX 1080 on highest graphics level.


That’s so true. :joy:

I’ve always thought roblox graphics looked like they were from around 2003 at the oldest.

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Extreme amount of lag.

System specifications:

i7 10700
RTX 2060 Super (8 GB VRAM)

Sorry but roblox is not ready for this stuff right now.

1 or 2 graphics: 60 fps
3 - 5: 30 fps
8 and 9: 20 fps
10: 15 fps

Not a big fan.

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Uh, please don’t tell me they don’t use the GPU.

As you can see here, they actually use 1/4 of the GPU & CPU. It’s an interesting topic why they use a portion of the power though :thinking:


bruh even cyberpunk 2077 on high ray tracing settings runs better than this


Yea, my RTX 3090, Threadripper 3990x build couldn’t even hold a 60 fps constant. Gonna test on my gaming pc when I wake up instead of my work PC though :slight_smile:


One thing I’m very curious about is why the client receive is so high. This was a few minutes into the game, everything had loaded already as far as I know.
This makes the door animations very laggy. I’m surprised more things weren’t done on the client-side, since that’d help a ton.

this is what I love about Roblox. You can make anything, and this surpasses anything. This is unbelievable! Amazing what people on Roblox can make.

phone dies of graphic overload
Error 1337
Concerned about device capabilities, may cause extreme lag.

Linus Tech Tips: Roblox is like minecraft but for smaller children


Beautiful showcase, really shows the potential of the platform!

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lol I am getting between 40 and 60 fps on my m1 Mac

Tried it out on my Samsung s20 fe on max and it ran pretty well I was surprised, I know mobile graphics is different from PC but it still looked really good.

Will have to check it out on my PC later