Big laggy road problem

Hi, this is my first post in the developer forum.
At the moment i’m working for a roleplay game that needs a quite big map. It’s about police, so it needs a big road in order to do chases. (Sorry for my English).

Unfortunately the road my friend built is too much laggy. I can’t reach 20 fps. We are trying to build using meshparts in order to reduce lag but the road might create strange collisions. Here’s a screenshot.

(Don’t judge him :relaxed:)

Maybe his idea of road is exaggerated, but my question is:

Do you have any tip that can help us to make the game playable?
Big games with roads don’t lag, i think.

Thank you!

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Ok let me explain you the steps I would do

  1. I dont use meshparts and I run fine so you might want to delete those just saying if you want to do below 1
  2. Make sure each part is anchored. The more parts unanchored the more laggy the game will be because of physics.
  3. If you have all your parts anchored and its still laggy. Try unioning stuff that are the same such as unioning all sidewalk blocks and unioning all road blocks.
  4. If that doesn’t work let me play so I can see if your computer is outdated because I cannot think of anything else.

Btw even tho unions can create strange collisions I can almost guarantee as long as no negative is involved, no collisions will happen

I have always thought that if i transform like 600 parts into one mesh, it would be less laggy. Am i wrong?

Well personally I never use meshes unless if I am forced to (which I will never be but still have blender incase) So I am not exactly sure if your wrong or not but take this as a test experiment.

Thank you. I have just tested the game in Roblox. It doesn’t seem laggy. Maybe i lag in roblox studio because my computer only has 4 gb ram

I have 8 gb of ram and I dont lag.

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Unions aren’t always better because they actually are worse than parts, they have weird collisions and they take up quite a chunk of memory (from my own testing)

I actually recently watched a great RDC talk about designing for performance which you should really check out to help with your builds Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
I am of course ont a builder but if you turned on streaming enabled that might also help by unloading parts not in range. If you’re using shadowmap try turning off ‘cast shadow’ on some parts that are clumped together

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Maybe i’m doing something wrong:
Example: i have a wall of a church made by 600 parts (it’s a wall with round windows). I export my selection and import it into a meshpart. I have always thought it reduces lag. Is it true? :frowning:?

Well first up anyone can steal your builds if you export it but I do see what you mean by how it reduces lag. It is a good method but its time consuming.

Are you sure? How can you know the Id?
If anyone can steal my meshparts, every person that makes meshes from blender is in danger

Mesh parts do have performance benefits, but not always should be used. From my experience, meshparts should be used when there is a high density of parts in a small area, such as a high part vehicle or models for a high quality showcase build. In your case a union would be a good idea, but I’d test the collision out anyway to see if there are any area’s with weird collisions (such as doorways or anywhere a player might walk)
Personally I’d recommend trying to reduce the partcount, I’d expect a part count for a building in a roleplay game to have something like 600 parts for the whole build, not a single wall.
I would recommend that if you do take the union approach to make a backup before trying unions as unions are known to sometimes corrupt or break in other ways.

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I definitely would not recommend doing this.

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One tip is do not use one massive brick for a road, but break it up into segments, maybe 100-200 studs each. Roblox physics doesn’t like it when you have dozens of bricks each 2,000+ studs long.

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I mean thats what I would do and I never had collision problems or anything. Yes I know there are problems with unioning and all that and I did encounter some such as collision problems or negatives not listening to a word I say. But unioning without any negatives doesn’t give me any problems

How can oeople steal my meshparts? Can i avoid that?

The problem in this case isn’t about collisions but rather about performance (hence the topic). It’s a misconception that unions help with performance and it’s understandable: they do lower brick count. However, unions are more complex and actually hinder performance, especially when union counts get out of control.

Not just meshparts, exploiters can steal your entire map and client-sided scripts. There’s really nothing you can do to prevent it except by reporting them to Roblox.


Ok too much quotes this is confusing me now

I see this problem is not only for meshparts

  • Roblox studio test mode is usually laggier than roblox
  • The lag might depend on your pc, can you give us the following informations about your CPU, GPU and RAM?
  • Did you use any free models? Some times there are lag scripts hidden in free models.
  • A lot of terrain can cause lag on low end PCs.