BitBuffer - a module that extends the the built-in buffer library
by facilitating bit-level writing/reading.
BitBuffer comes with three constructors, use either of these to create a bitbuffer object number)
bitbuffer.fromBuffer(buffer: buffer)
bitbuffer.fromString(str: string)
Unlike the buffer library Bitbuffer keeps track of an internal pointer/cursor
that moves with your reading/writing
Pointer is in bits; not bytes and is also 0-indexed unlike most of lua, this is because the buffer lib
also is 0-indexed and it makes my life easier
The pointer automatically moves as you read/write bits but you can manually move it
-- floor the pointer to the nearest byte
-- offset the pointer
buffer:offsetPointer(bits: number)
-- set the pointer to a specific bit amount
buffer:setPointer(bits: number)
Base Read/Writing
and :readBits()
are the base functions that power this library.
If you need precise bit-level control over the buffer these functions are your best bet
Notice: Currently both functions use a custom bit-manipulation implementation
however that might change with the full-release of :writebits()
to the base buffer lib
Note that by default :writeBits()
writes in big-endian instead of little-endian, that does not apply to :writeFormat()
You can provide specific binary sequences and their relative bit-size to write to the array
-- write the number 3 as a uint8
buffer:writeBits(0b011, 8)
buffer:floorPointer() -- floor the pointer to read the written bits
-- printBinary is a debug function included in the library
printBinary(buffer:readBits(8), 4) -- Output: 0011
Reading/Writing Formats
BitBuffer only uses the default buffer lib formats:
u8, i8, u16, i16, u32, i32, f32, f64
Note that :writeFormat()
writes in little-endian unlike its base function
-- write -522 as a signed 16-bit integer
buffer:writeFormat('i16', -522)
buffer:floorPointer() -- for reading
print(buffer:readFormat('i16')) -- Output: -522
-- write 52.692 as a 32-bit float
buffer:writeFormat('f32', 52.692)
buffer:floorPointer() -- for reading
print(buffer:readFormat('f32')) -- Output: ~ 52.692
Reading/Writing Strings
By default :writeStrings()
also writes the length of the string up-front
this can be disabled by true-ing the excludeLength
The format of the length can also be changed by using lengthFormat
, defaults to i16
has an optional length
parameter, by default it reads the first lenghtFormat or i16
value for the length
local hello = 'Hello, World!'
buffer:writeString(hello, true) -- write the string but exclude the length
-- reset pointer to the start of the buffer
-- manually set the length of the string
print(buffer:readString(#hello)) -- Output: Hello, World!
To finish off, render out the final buffer using :toString()
By default the empty end bytes get removed, false the strip
argument to counter that
Attempting to access/point to out-of-buffer bits/bytes will result in an error
The printBinary()
function can be accessed directly from the library; bitbuffer.printBinary()
This library is inpsired by kalabgs’s BitBuffer
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