"Black Line" Texture Bug

This bug probably only causes me trouble because I constantly use transparent decals. It’s still something that should not be appearing.

It’s still pretty obvious at a distance.

This is something that has been tormenting me throughout one of my largest and most popular series of games. It needs to be fixed.

I kinda know what’s wrong

decals can’t be bigger than 256x256, if they are then they get downsized, and I’m almost completely certain that’s what causes those lines on transparent decals because that causes strange edges in general

it bothers me too, but at least there’s an explanation for you
[size=1]unless secretly you actually are using 256x256 images, in which case I have no idea what’s wrong[/size]

Try putting ImageLabels on Parts. May be sharper. I dunno myself, I havent tried.

Surface Gui’s aren’t out yet?

Surface Gui’s aren’t out yet?[/quote]
thought it was
Well give it a shot when it’s out.

Surface Gui’s aren’t out yet?[/quote]

I believe they’re going to be released within the first week of December.

Are all your decals 256x256 Explode?

If they’re not I suppose you could make a Texture with the image slightly larger than the original part, which might possibly fix it.

They’re all larger than 256x256 for higher quality.

They’re all larger than 256x256 for higher quality.[/quote]

Roblox downscales all images to 256x256, so you loose quality instead. Or are you using shirts/pants for decals?

They’re all larger than 256x256 for higher quality.[/quote]

Roblox downscales all images to 256x256, so you loose quality instead. Or are you using shirts/pants for decals?[/quote]

Not using shirts/pants. And even though you do lose some quality by creating decals, they’re still rendered relatively nicely, besides the black line.

I would downscale them to 256x256. Sure you may loose quality, but as long as it works. o:

Creating shirts of the decals seems to work better.

I’ve experienced this too, at first I thought it was a lighting glitch involving shadows.

The shirt method seems to work if you look at the decals up close, but from faraway a black line becomes very visible.

Although I think I may have found another really screwy way to pull this off using textures.

I would personally say wait until SurfaceGUIs are out.

Making decals larger than 256x256 is redundant Explode, Roblox downscales all decals to 256x256.

If you make your decals 256x256 I don’t think you’ll get black lines.

[quote] Making decals larger than 256x256 is redundant Explode, Roblox downscales all decals to 256x256.

If you make your decals 256x256 I don’t think you’ll get black lines. [/quote]

Just attempted downscaling to 256x256, the black line is still there.

I had this issue once, I solved it without too much trouble. I used the texture object in the place of a decal. I then made it go slightly over the edge, hiding the black line.

[quote] Making decals larger than 256x256 is redundant Explode, Roblox downscales all decals to 256x256.

If you make your decals 256x256 I don’t think you’ll get black lines. [/quote]

Just attempted downscaling to 256x256, the black line is still there.[/quote]

That’s stretched though.