Black lines in the edges of a texture

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    The issue is very clear, for no reason when i’ve restarted my pc entirely it just now when i installed roblox and played a game, if that game had a texture, (no overlapping at all and YES its perfectly positioned) there was black lines everywhere, but that would mostly be transparent if i set my graphics up, but the issue is that i am on low end, so that means it’ll cause massive lag.
    I just wonder if anyone can tell me how to fix this pc bug, its not a game bug

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    Zero bugs like this was reported.

No joke. ive had this since 5 months ago. Nobody replied
Btw i know this was supposed to be in the bugs report, but i cant make one

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This happens due to bilinear filtering all you can do is extend the texture a little off of the UV map or in this case scale the texture up and scale down the actual image being used.
(Yes you will need to use textures to fix this.)

yup i already fixed it, had to scale to 512x512 but others game aswell happens, not only my games aswell

is there another method??

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No other method unless you would like to demolish performance with surfaceguis?

Try this:

You people need to start reading the fourm… Its literally a problem that gets talked about every single week.

i cant tell what that does and i dont think thats my issue fam

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If your using decals, textures, surfaceguis, etc… Really anything with an image, then yes, thats your issue. Roblox scales down your images when you upload them, that results in some weird black lines around the edges. Though I may be understanding your problem wrong, if so theres some other fixes you can try if you havent solved your problem already.

  1. Use mesh parts and apply a uv texture instead of decals or screenguis on every side if thats what you’re doing.

  2. Merge blocks that are next to eachother on the same height level and use textures.

Sorry for the mean response, but im sure its not the texture issue, and yes my “Pc” issue, if the image isnt 512x 512 it’ll appear black lines on the edges