Black Screen When I drag folders

Randomly Studio would do this weird thing, in which when I drag a folder, I get a black screen that looks like it glitches my screen. This only happens with Roblox studio.
I’ve searched for solutions online, but they haven’t helped, I did find a way to fix it which requires you to restart your laptop but it’s not a permanent solution. Just a few min ago, I reinstalled Roblox studio and I still got the issue. Here is a visual representation:

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Ok, I watched the video and from your POV, you can’t see the black screen, therefore Rolox is messing with my monitor screen, even the mouse cursor looks glitched.

Here are some troubleshooting methods to try out, please share your results if possible.

  1. Try dragging objects in a clean base template. This isolates the problem to studio and plugins only.
  2. Try uninstalling any plugins, you can also reinstall studio. Attempt to drag again.
  3. Check your graphics driver. Make sure that it’s updated.
  4. Make sure there are no loose cables on your computer, and if it’s a laptop, be sure to clean out any dust that could potentially interrupt display connections and input connections.

If you still get issues, even after you’ve updated any CPU & GPU drivers, as well as reinstalling Roblox & Roblox Studio, then it’s leading towards an internal issue on your device. In that case, you’ll have to do a lot more troubleshooting.

Alright, thank you for the methods, I’ll try them out when the issue occurs again and give you the results.

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