Black Space - Hazard Worker Codex

This post is about the group Black Space.

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Introduction - Category consisting of the introduction to the Hazard Worker division.

Equipment - Category consisting of the gears you will be equipped with on-site

Regulations - Category consisting of the rules that must be followed on-site.


The Hazard Worker (HW for short) is a division that is focused on Bio, Medical and Fire - Hazard proficiency. The personnel of the division is portrayed as doctors, firefighters, and highly experienced researchers. There are 3 subdivisions, as stated above. To become an Agent, you will need to go through extensive training in healing your wounded colleagues, ensuring no experiment is in critical state and researching.

    The equipment of Hazard Worker personnel varies by the current Hazard they are in:

Fire - Hazard - A fire extinguisher and an axe.

Medical - Hazard - A medkit, bandages and a clipboard.

Bio - Hazard - A Bio-Test scanner and a clipboard.

  1. All agents must remain mature and use grammar on-site if they have the ability to speak out of the team chat.

  2. You must comply to the orders that you are being given by your high ranks.

  3. You are allowed to communicate with others, however you must use [W].

  4. Do not speak out of the team chat. (this affects LR’s and MR’s only.)

  5. Bio - Hazard is to write what they have been working on/researching on their clipboard. Medical - Hazard personnel is to write medical reports and checkups on employees. When using the clipboard, you must use grammar and be mature.

How to be promoted

Document made by the Hazard Worker Administration Personnel

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