Blackout Theatre Rules
Updated 2nd June 2021
All of Blackout’s in-game rules will be displayed here. These rules apply to the game and group only, not our communication server. It is suggested that you skim over these rules, but we do not expect you to memorise them all.
*High ranks reserve the right to remove anyone from our group at any time. We cannot predict everything that might happen, therefore you may be removed for something which is not listed within these rules. Our aim is to educated people about any infractions of our rules, not punish them. With this in mind, please enjoy your experience in blackout!
Section 1: General
1.1: No bullying or harassment. Bullying, harassment, or anything along those lines, are against the rules. High Ranks will decide what is and isn’t acceptable.
1.2: Do not obstruct high ranks. You should not try to obstruct any high rank while they are dealing with an incident. If you aren’t involved, you should not get involved.
1.3: Only use one account. It is against the rules to have two or more accounts within our game. If we believe you are doing this, we may remove all suspected accounts.
1.4: Do not blackmail or use personal information. This includes using people’s name, age, address, or gender. This information should only ever be used for role-play purposes. See Roblox’s Guidelines for up-to-date information on how to keep you and your peers safe online.
1.5: Do not spam in game or on our group wall. This includes posting the same thing or similar things consistently.
Section 2: Building and Stage
2.1: You should obtain permission from the host before entering the stage. The point of this rule is to ensure that shows run smoothly. Evidently if there is no host or the curtain is down, you shouldn’t need to obtain permission.
2.2: You should not use two or more stylist spaces. Please keep your building within your booth boundaries. Stylists have the priority over the booths if it is busy.
2.3: You should respect reasonable instructions from the current host. For example, if the host asks you to leave the stage while it is being made, you should do so. If there are any problems, speak to a HR; Remember the host is not a higher rank than anyone else!
2.4: You must not remove entire sets, stylist booths, spam blocks, or commit any other major building abuse. This strictly against the rules and will most likely result in an immediate ban; We have a zero-tolerance policy against building abuse. High Ranks have the ability to undo all actions from all users, as well as restricting the use of these tools.
Section 3: Game Controls
3.1: You should not touch the technical controls without a valid reason. Some things are permitted, such as changing the audience colour because you think it looks cool. Please just use common sense and try to follow the host’s direction during shows.
3.2: During a show, there should be no more than 6 people within the control booth. Consequently, priority should be given to the person hosting the show and technical crew.
3.3: The door controls should only be used for role-play purposes only. You should not purposely block anyone from entering or exiting the building just because you feel like it.
Section 4: Security
4.1: Security must not tell people what they can and cannot do. The role of security is to check people’s tickets, not to boss people around. Security is meant for role-play; They are not high ranks.
4.2: Security can ask people to display their ticket and remove them from the auditorium should they not have one. Despite this, it should be on a role-play basis only. For example, security should not be removing the show host from the auditorium if they don’t have a ticket. Use common sense.
4.3: Security must not use their enforcement tools unless the targeted person has been given multiple warnings beforehand. People should generally be given 3 warnings before they are asked to leave and 4 times before they are removed. However, these are guidelines and can be changed on a case-by-case basis.
4.4: Security must not interfere with any high ranks or moderators unless they are open to role-play. Anyone including and above the role of moderator can access every area of the game and are exempt from carrying tickets.
The most important takeaway is that security are not high ranks, nor are they “in-charge” of people. This is purely a rank for role-playing and should not be abused!
The bottom line: Use common sense. We would like everyone to have an enjoyable time within Blackout and by following these basic rules, you are allowing everyone to participate and have a better experience – especially our new and younger audiences. If you think something is wrong, then don’t do it.