Hey y’all. I have a problem with blender that doesn’t allow me to rotate or pivot.
I’ve tried reinstalling it a bunch of times & downloading numerous versions.
Please help me on what I can do.
I need blender for modeling and graphics.
Hey y’all. I have a problem with blender that doesn’t allow me to rotate or pivot.
I’ve tried reinstalling it a bunch of times & downloading numerous versions.
Please help me on what I can do.
I need blender for modeling and graphics.
Press R instead, and you can press x, y or z to rotate along those axis! If you have any more problems feel free to message me as I use blender as well!
I did, it still has the same problem plus R makes my part distorted.
Hmm, what version of blender? Try resting user prefrences??
Does your computer have an intergrated graphics card?
My hardware is fine, before this glitch, everything was working.
But do you use a laptop or desktop pc with intergrated graphics?
Only if your rendering stuff having intergrated graphics will be slower then a proper graphics card.
2.79b. I have no idea how to reset, let me try it.
I use laptop for graphics as my computer has not quite a lot of space.
Ok, I have never encountered anything like this. Is this your first time using blender? If so I suggest you watch Blender GURU on youtube and watch his coffee cup and donut tutorial.
No this is not my first time. I’ve just never really touched the settings.
Your in edit mode… try rotating out of edit mode.
I did both. Still keeps routing me to turning only not rotating.
This is a bit unclear to me. Can you please tell me what you are trying to do and what the outcome is with greater detail.
Well, whenever I click the rotate tool, it always turn as shown on the video.
I am trying to model landscape but It does not let me rotate.
But the cube was rotating in the video??
If you don’t find a way to fix it, try downloading the 2.8 Beta.
Oh so you were trying to rotate it along the red. Press r and then y or what ever is the red axis.
No, do you know what is the meaning of rotating.