Blender rig exporter/animation importer

tried using the “connected” option when rebuilding the rig?

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Tried that, still acts poorly.

OMG LOL. SCP Animations.
And also, the code works fine. Still using old Blender and old script. :exploding_head:
Tell me how.

yes the good scp anims, annd what do you mean? it should work normally, if not i’ll send you the one i’m currently using

I had a problem with your addon. If I tried to export this rig, it only shows one part and a few errors.

And no properties being shown. Unlike original obj importer.
Even when I import the rig with the original obj importer, I tried to rebuild the rig, even though the “RigMeta” wasn’t deleted, when I deleted one part per group, and it still results

Would love to see when this addon for 2.8 will be fixed for 2.8 beginners who think the 2.79’s UI’s learning curve was steep, instead of a modified Roblox Rig 2.8 addon being private. Still, I’ll miss 2.79 or something.


Not sure if there is an error in your plugin or if exporting in general is just broken, but whenever I try to import a rigged model into blender I keep getting this error message:

No matter what I try, I seem to be getting this same error message when I try to import my rig. It doesn’t happen all the time though, I moved on to a different rig (exported in blender, imported into Roblox, rigged and imported back into Blender to animate) and this rig worked perfectly fine. This error message only appears (for now) on this one rig and I have no idea why, its a complete mystery (I checked everywhere for potential breaking points, but everything seemed to be perfectly fine and the setup was done completely the same as any other rig), and I can’t seem to find a solution, so I came to a conclusion that there might be something wrong with the plugin.

If it’s not the plugin then I’m not sure what it is, could be something wrong within blender but I doubt it, or Roblox themselves did something with exporting meshes that is causing this to happen, or there is a problem with the rig that I oversaw or maybe mesh data is broken or something.

I’m currently using Blender v2.79b

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I think the Roblox obj exporter may have some issues. If you have a rig for which this occurs, can you upload it somewhere?

I have been trying to import walk and run animations from Mixamo to Roblox lately, however due to the manual rigging for the torso removed the animations end up very shaky and unrealistic-looking. I seen above that a new version of the blender plugin should fix this, however I am not sure where to find the updated version. I started trying to do animations today, so the link to the addon script I recieved was clearly outdated. Anyone has a link to the updated version of the blender addon?


Whatever links are in the first post on this thread are always the newest versions.

I can’t upload it because It’s a model that will be used in-game, don’t want people stealing anything :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, I tried to use the Roblox exporter through Workspace to try and get the model back into blender but it gives me the exact same error message, so I’m guessing it really is a problem on Roblox’s end, that’s unfortunate :confused:
Guess I’ll have to wait it out :man_shrugging:

Ayo, how do I fix this leg and arm?

I’d recommend looking up how to configure IK constraints in Blender properly in general (especially pose bones), you’ll get a lot more control that way.

Hey, sorry to bother, but I’m currently having issues with your plugin and I don’t know how to fix it. The plugin does not import animations. Whenever I paste the baked animation into the script, it does not affect the rig in any way. Adding to that, whenever I close the plugin, Roblox Studio seemly crashes. This seems to happen in every place I’ve opened. Is there any workaround for this?

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It’d help if you’d attach a rig + animation for which this issue occurs, I cannot reproduce this behavior myself.

Same crashing issue on plugin close as well as any rigs I import have the meta parts brought in alongside the rig:

Place file: Animation.rbxl (24.2 KB)

Edit: It was working fine up until I updated the plugin today.

Do you use the import button of the Blender addon? The standard .obj importer doesn’t parse those meta parts. Otherwise: is an error shown when importing? That rig imports fine for me.

I can reproduce the studio freezing on plugin close now, will have to look into that later. Feels like some Studio bug.

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Alright, I’ve taken some screenshots. I forgot to mention, the plugin does not produce any error.
Roblox Screenshots:

Blender Screenshots:


Roblox Place Containing Rig
Blender File (Note I had to apply some modifiers to reduce file size)

If there is anything else you’ll need me to do to debug this, just tell me.


Those links don’t seem to work, they’d be useful to test it myself.

I used hyperlink, which is not the way to go for sending files.

debugging.blend (7.8 MB)
debug.rbxl (228.0 KB)

There are two issues:

  • All parts are anchored, only the root (“Main”) should be (and probably “Camera”?)
  • There’s another AnimationController inside of the inner armrig, only a single outer one should exist for the entire rig

After fixing those things the Blender animation becomes visible.

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