Blender rig exporter/animation importer

Man, anyway to get this on the v2.82? Would be nice to clean up unnecessary rotations. Or would I just have to install an older blender and use that for clean-ups?


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One of the key changes that version applies is the automatic creation of constraints on various R15 body parts to improve the visuals. You can create them yourself to get the same effect (such as limit rotation constraints on the hands). I generally recommend creating them yourself now (also in the case of IK constraints).

I believe rigs imported using that addon version in the older Blender will also load correctly in the newer Blender using the 2.80 addon, so you can do that if you want to generate them automatically.


Please help this happens when importing a rig. (I can’t even rebuild the rig without errors)

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Is the rig a default R6? If not are you able to export the rig as a .obj and import it into blender properly?

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It is a r15 block rig Im using that Rig Builder plugin that comes with the Animation Editor

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Okay two things you can try are;

Remove the face decal,

And export the rig as an .obj and import it into blender and see if there are any errors

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Hi, ik that the Name not include this, but can we export Blender particles with this plugin?

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Why does the plugin run the game?

How come I set my rig to position 0,0,0 then I start the plugin and it repositions my rig to some random position thats away from 0,0,0? (I tried multiple times and it actually didn’t move it once, is this some bug?)

I do have some parts that are welded to rigged parts, so does the plugin not support this?

i’m using blender v2.82 so does Blender Animations not support this version? (i later tried it with v2.8 but it gives same result as v2.82 and doesn’t work)

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(TL;DR: Being able to import animations from an Armature that was increased/reduced in size, without applying the scale, and have it work on a Roblox rig that also had its size adjusted to match the new and originally intended size in blender. This is important to retain movement like proper foot planting and general movement relative to the rig itself. Sometimes you import rigs at a wrong scale, and sometimes you want multiple variations of scale and have animation still work properly.)

Is it possible to have the animation import feature take into account the scale of the rig in blender? What I mean is the Armature Scale parameters.


Lets say I scale the Armature up to a scale of 2, 2, 2 (Which I guess is double the original size), and I were to import the animation without applying the Armature scale (Applying Armature scale messes with importing in various ways). Is it possible to import the animation with the doubled Armature scale so that a rig in Roblox would be affected directly relative to the size in blender? So if my rig in Roblox was still at its original size when I first imported it into blender, the imported animation will not work properly with that rig until I also scale the Roblox rig to double its size (to basically match the rig size in blender).

One way to explain why scaling rigs affects the animation is basically translation (or movement), translation in animation moves in relation to the world and not the part itself, so if the original rig moved up/down at specific increments during an animation, that increment would stay the same regardless of the rig scale, so increasing the size of a rig will essentially reduce the translation amount, while reducing the size will increase the translation amount, because the amount it moves stays the same relative to world space.

The reason why I think this is super important is because there are often times where I (and I’m sure a few others) run into a situation where we imported a rig at a wrong scale, but we don’t realize this until way after finishing all animations in blender, so now we’re stuck in a situation where we have to re-import the correctly scaled rig and make heavy adjustments, or in some cases even remake animations completely and this becomes a long and tedious cycle.

Being able to scale a rig in blender to match the size of the new rig in Roblox and importing animations to properly work with that rig would be a huge time saver.

Another use case for this is being able to have a rig in multiple sizes and quickly importing animations to work for each size without wonky movement, this is mostly noticeable when using proper IK where things like the feet properly stay attached to the floor when necessary.

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so im having a problem
Version: 2.82 - 2.8 Version Script



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Make sure that the plugin shows no warnings after selecting the rig in Studio.

No, only rigs are supported (although you can use particles to influence rigs within Blender just fine).

It used to be the only robust way to preview animations in Studio. Nowadays there are new APIs, but this plugin doesn’t use them. You only have to anchor the root part.

That probably indicates a joint setup (i.e. C0 and C1 values) that forces parts to certain positions.

Scaling armatures (and bones) has a different effect that Roblox currently just doesn’t support. I’m personally against giving it another definition to support such transformations (the addon doesn’t support changing the generated armature object at all, only rotation and translation transforms on the pose bones).

If you want to change animations to fit other rigs, it’s probably better to run a separate script yourself. For example, something like this on a KeyframeSequence:

for _, pose in pairs(game.Selection:Get()[1]:GetDescendants()) do
  if pose:IsA('Pose') then
    pose.CFrame = pose.CFrame + pose.CFrame.p -- multiplies translation by two basically, in the end relative to bone rotation

the solution you provided works fantastic! This is actually much easier to understand and way more practical, thank you!!!

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Is it possible to make the studio plugin work with team create?


this is the error when importing the character


So, I took the piece of code and made a plugin out of it, if anyone is interested or if anyone needs an easy and convenient way to scale animations here’s the link.

The way it works is basically input the number you increased/decreased your rig size by, select a KeyframeSequence (as explained by Den_S) and apply scale. Anything above 1 increases animation size and anything below decreases, if you used a percentage to scale your rig just convert it to a decimal and it should work the same.

If anyone is confused what this is used for, it’s basically allowing animations that were originally animated on a smaller/bigger rig to be compatible with a rig that is a completely different in size than the original rig, and movement made (not rotation) should be retained.

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I’m experiencing the same cannot map rig error when trying to import from Mixamo, even when uploading the exported FBX.
Any ideas?

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Hello, im having issues when i paste raw data and the script doesnt close or load the animation,

it just stays like this.

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Disregard my problem, I was using an outdated script.

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Outdated script? Can you elaborate, mine is still broken…

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You’re probably using Team Create while trying to import an animation, I had this problem too so I now have to import animation in a place that doesn’t use Team Create.