Blender rig exporter/animation importer

Like @CartoonBlur said disable cage mesh deformer in the beta settings, tho Studio doesn’t fully crash it just freezes just wait like 3-7 min and it unfreezes and it then exports fully

but yeah Disable Cage mesh deformer this is a Roblox issue Roblox likes to mess with everyone : )

I don’t know if you figured this out, but you have to change the bones names under the rig.

Instead of it being UpperTorso1 you gotta change it just to UpperTorso
You just rinse and repeat that until all the bones are re-named.

Or when you export your rig @SyntaxError_Dev Only export the armature and you wouldn’t need to rename the bones. That worked for me

Uh… I’ve got a problem.
Using the plugin and then clicking on my rig causes all of the parts to disconnect joints, bounce, fall through the map and disappear completely. The only thing remaining is just a few parts. I’ve had to redo the process of rigging the arms at least twice because I forgot to save before using the plugin.

I checked all of the parts in the model, made all rootparts, hand markers etc. transparency to 0, and anchored the root part before using the plugin. I don’t know what else to do or what is going wrong :neutral_face:

I have a few extra glove and sleeve MeshParts welded with WeldConstraints to the actual hand Parts used to animate the arms. I’m not sure if that conflicts though.
The actual parts that are rigged get disconnected as well.

EDIT: I’ve found the issue, apparently an Explosion object caused the entire rig and any neighboring models to explode. I should have deleted that in the first place.
Still don’t know why it just may spontaneously explode at any moment, even when I disabled the Visible property. I guess it explodes when any property is changed.

One tiny note for you then. Use a separate place to export the rigs so you wont run into the issue of your rig exploding

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For some reason I am having a hard time. I rigged an R15 holding a sword so I could animate it. I can animate it fine in Roblox Studios, but it does not let me animate it properly on Blender. What I have noticed is that when I go to export the rig, it doesnt actually select all the meta parts. Can anyone please help!! Thanks.

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having this same issue, sorry for replying a year later
have you found a fix to it?

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i forgot what the issue was again can u renew my memory please

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Didn’t get a response on this yet. If you can help me with this issue, please let me know. Thanks!

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I for the life of me cannot get the blender addon to work. I’ve saved it as a .py and installed it but nothing happens, it doesn’t add it. I’ve tried restarting blender and even re-installing it. Someone please help!

I’m currently having the same issue, Does anyone know of any fixes for this?

If you installed the addons then import the object with [Rbx Animation] Rig Import (.obj)

fsr i’ve been getting this error in blender when importing using the rbx animation addon.
It wasn’t like this before. Anybody know what’s going on?

are u sure u have the right version of blender

yup! I have 2.91! I have renewed the python addon from this post, and have re-installed the roblox plugin too

Hi, when trying to import the animation data using the plugin it does nothing, it just gets pasted in the script and does nothing.

Are you using the plugin in a team create place?

I see thats the issue, thank you

I am working on a fps framework and for some reason the plugin throws random error whenever I try to export. “Weld connecting RIghtArm to Handle not found” and this keeps changing, sometimes it comes for Mag, or sometimes for Bolt, it’s totally random.
TestRig.rbxm (79.0 KB)

make sure ur rig doesnt contain any special letters like ./_ etc and dont call the same part the same name and make sure you dont have spaces it sometimes causes issues when the rig or bones have spaces in them this also counts for the dummy name