Blender rig exporter/animation importer

Unsure about this error:

I’m using the Steam version of Blender, running version 2.93.5

Update: Even on the mentioned version, 2.91.0, it will still error

Also, when I restart Blender all my bindings get screwed and I have to remove the plugin and reset everything to default

Fixed! Something must had happened while saving the addon’s code, just had to redownload it

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everytime i export my rig just disappears and when I import it to blender it also disappears

what are u trying todo here my guy

Well i’m back here again-
When I import my Roblox character into blender it comes up semi-transparent, is there anyway to fix it? I just upgraded from blender version 2.91 to 2.93 (it was working fine in 2.91), and my blender exporter plugin and stuff are all up to date too.
Help would be appreciated, thanks :slight_smile:
Edit: Fixed! I found a way to fix the issue. For anyone who may have the same problem; in Blender 2.93, select all of your character, under the settings tab, click ‘blend mode’ then ‘opaque’. This should fix the issue :grin:


Hey i know the solution for this problem, i believe the roblox beta option “cage deformation mesh” is causing this problem since i encountered the same problem with whats happening based on image 2# and turning it off on the beta options works for me

Hello I’m not sure if this is the plugin issue but when I try to import my animation this happens

For whatever reason I cant get the panel to show.

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Yeah I believe this is out of beta now (as I can’t find it in the Beta section anymore) and the problem still persists. If anybody knows a way to fix the semi-transparent issue, it’d be great! :slight_smile:

How do I get rid of the part called meta whenever importing the model? I don’t know blender so how can I remove this part because all I want is just a 3D model of my rig

I Wanna export the Roblox Emotes animation from Roblox Studio, is that possible?

I’m still hoping for a fix to this. Anyone find any? I want to practice GFX but it’s hard with this issue.

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Owh, Do you mean when you import a 3d from Roblox it goes transparent? I have a
the solution to that.

This problem is very well known when you import something from Roblox to Blender, Especially Meshes(probably) Here is a quick fix for that

First Go to Click a model that you wanna fix (and then open a Shader Tab)

something will pop up in the shading tab

The second is to add new Material and add your Image Texture Node

and then add the Image Texture to the Image Texture node by clicking the Folder icon Button

Third, Connect the Image Tex Node to the Principle BSDF, Connect the Color to Base Color, and the Alpha to Clearcoat Normal

and you are done :D, I love how the Blender RIG is more efficient through texturing because all you need to do is to use only 1 material if you need any help just reply to me regarding to Roblox texture


Okay thanks! I’m kind of new to Blender so I had no idea half of this existed! It did fix the issue,

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I’m Glad to help :D, IF you need any help just message me :3

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just touch any part in your model and go to the material and uncheck the option image SHOW BACKFACE… by default is enabled when importing models… so just uncheck it :wink:

uncheck this option “SHOW BACKFACE” in your character material… image

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Can’t import animations for this reason?


I’m having the same issue T-T, have you by any chance found a fix yet?

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Unfortunately, no I haven’t, so I guess we’ll have to wait for a fix from the creator, which I doubt could be happening soon?


I keep getting this error when importing what should i do?