Blender rig exporter/animation importer

Just started having that problem today on January 18th, so thank you for posting this almost a month earlier. Cheers!

There is an error with the plugin when I select the rig, I can’t import any of the animations now. Can you have a look into it? Thanks.


Major props to @Den_S!!

I thought it was going to be a long shot when I seen he hasn’t been active on twitter since late 2019 but he responded really quickly and released a patch for the plugin even more quickly, fixing the Unknown 'active' error brought on by a Roblox update.


Also been getting similar errors recently

I also tried to import a new rig into blender and see if something might be wrong with old blender files, but when I do that I get this error instead

Not sure if that would consistently happen but it did the first time I tried it. I do modify my rig for IK usage but that has never been an issue previously.

  1. Click import animation (and paste the animation in)
  2. Click Upload animation to roblox (even tho you can’t see it)
  3. Open Roblox animation editor and then import the animation you just uploaded
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here’s a temp way to fix it

  1. Click import animation (and paste the animation in)
  2. Click Upload animation to roblox (even tho you can’t see it)
  3. Open Roblox animation editor and then import the animation you just uploaded

Yep the plugin is broken rn, ty TheRealxLucas for coming up with the temporary solution!

Mind if you can show it me how u fix it hah hah!

Hello, sorry for bumping into your topic. I have got a question regarding the plugin itself.
I have this model, which is used for a tower in my current work in progress game and my animator friend wants to make an animation for it. He could’ve just used Studio’s animation editor. But, he uses Blender to make animations and a lot of other stuff as well. Now, the only situation I could find is this plugin, yes very good!

The Model

Here is the model if anyone wants to take a look at it. It’s already been rigged and welded with weld constraint:

Weld Constraints shown:

The Situation

The problem here is, it doesn’t seem to be supporting Weld Constraint. Therefore, when I ‘Rebuild rig’ it does not work. What does not work? Well, the rig WORKS except for the remaining parts of the model. For example, the armor and the helmet. They are not parented with the body parts. This makes it more difficult and painful to work with.

Well? Why can’t you just parent them yourself?

To answer that, the armor piece has over 84 meshes. That means I have to go on one by one and parent them to the corresponding body part.

Just visualize the rig and the animation then?

That can be done as well, but here’s the thing. Consistency, yes. I don’t know if I’m the stupid one here, or if there’s a way to do it. If there is, PLEASE do reply with the source. Also, I am very sorry if I sound rude while typing. I was in a bit of a rush earlier.

Honest Request

I demand a feature for this plugin (that is if it’s possible!) and that request is for it to support weld constraint. Any particular constraint should be parented with its corresponding parts. The same principle and how it functions in Studio. Thank you.

Kind Regards,

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Welds are kinda buggy with the plugin. However, the animations will still work even tho the welds look broken in Blender.

since it’s a normal r15 rig he can use a default r15 dummy and make the animation on that dummy.

The other issue is you welded it wrong onto the character


Will this soon also support Blender 3.x?
I’m currently using 3.2 alpha as it’s my preferred version of Blender, it seems stable enough tho.

Hello! For some reason, when I move the rig and model together in Blender, the rig seems to get further away from the model the more I move it. Why is this and how can I prevent it?


I am trying to follow but when I import into Blender 2.79 I get the model in mid-air with blue lines?

I have tried with RootPart changed and also not changed and not certain what is going wrong.


the rig should be at 0,ypos,0, both in studio and blender

Anyone can help? When i try to import a animation this happens…

Doesn’t work for 3.0.1? I just try it and it doesn’t…

Here is an example of what do I wanna mean, it moves the bones but not the model.

:thought_balloon: Introduction

Hey, I have also encountered this issue before back when I was using this plugin. Luckily, I found a solution. To fix this, you need to parent the model to the corresponding bone.
How do you parent it? Well, it’s actually pretty simple! Follow these simple steps.

:bulb: Tutorial / Fix

1. Have the rig ready, it should look like this. It has bones and all that good stuff.

2. Select the model or object you want to move with the specific bone. (For example, here, I want the horns to parent with the head bone, so I select both!)

3. Select the entire rig or the bones you want to parent the model with. (For me, it was the bone named “Head”!)

4. Go into ‘Pose Mode’, and once again, click the bone you want to parent with the model. It should be blue when you are selecting the proper bone.

5. Set parent to ‘Bone’ by pressing CTRL + P on your keyboard. Something should pop up like this. Then, you would want to click ‘Bone’ that way it will parent with the bone (I think?)

6. Voila! Enjoy and cheers mate.


Thanks !
I think the devs of this plugin must fix that bug or something…

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The plugin is broken or something because nothing is being named properly, no decals and no errors.