Blender rig exporter/animation importer

credits to Obsentiel for the patch


Hey, I have also encountered this issue before back when I was using this plugin. Luckily, I found a solution. To fix this, you need to parent the model to the corresponding bone.
How do you parent it? Well, it’s actually pretty simple! Follow these simple steps.

:bulb: Tutorial / Fix

1. Have the rig ready, it should look like this. It has bones and all that good stuff.

2. Select the model or object you want to move with the specific bone. (For example, here, I want the horns to parent with the head bone, so I select both!)

3. Select the entire rig or the bones you want to parent the model with. (For me, it was the bone named “Head”!)

4. Go into ‘Pose Mode’, and once again, click the bone you want to parent with the model. It should be blue when you are selecting the proper bone.

5. Set parent to ‘Bone’ by pressing CTRL + P on your keyboard. Something should pop up like this. Then, you would want to click ‘Bone’ that way it will parent with the bone (I think?)

6. Voila! Enjoy and cheers mate.


Chill out, they will fix the plugin, during they fix it feel free to ask here your bugs so they can fix them and the community can help you


Hey, I don’t know if anybody else has asked this, but I’ve got several reports of the accessories not exporting to blender itself? I don’t know if there is a patch but please let me know


Don’t use the plugin in a place with scripts

I have a little issue with the plugin. Everytime I import the rig, it looks more blocky than it should.

It also messes up the rigging too

I have updated the blender addon and the plugin in studio itself.
Is the plugin broken on it’s own or am i doing something wrong?

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The issue your having could easily be either the plugins fault or yours, are you able to show how you’ve rigged it in studio? As well are there any errors, as too the block thing, I believe that is just an r6 problem nothing of the plugins or yours
I am correct it is just how R6 was set up

I believe I rigged the Dummy correctly, I did it twice to be sure, too. It works perfectly in roblox animator itself but not in Blender.

It may work in the default animator but I have found some situations where the plugin doesn’t end up transferring that nicely into blender

I find it happens whenever a part is not directly welded to another part, eg if you have 3 parts, part1,part2,part3, if parts 1 & 2 or connected via a Motor6D, but part3 is connected to part2 via a weld or weldconstraint that is a direct child or part3, the plugin will not add the needed Child Of Constraint inside of blender for part3 to be connected to part2 yet say if you made an animation move part2, part3 would still move correctly, to work around this is as simple as manually adding the child of constraint the part3’s object inside of blender and setting it up so the target is set too _Rig, the bone is set to part2, or whatever you’re needing in this case


Unfortunately, I’ve tried everything, but this plugin no longer works for new rigs I create.
It’s the same error, and I cannot fix it. It may be because I haven’t updated my blender version, but otherwise it just doesn’t work.

Have you tested it with a base R15/R6 rig to see if it is something on your end?

I have, and the bones move but nothing changes visually. It may be something on my end, though I’m unsure.

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I know this is a stupid question though are you in pose mode when you animate?

Is it broken because when I import the rig the meta parts also gets imported.

I’ve been having this to, I don’t know if it’s on r15 rigs but it is on r6 rigs. getting really annoying now.

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Whenever I export a R6 rig from ROBLOX to blender using this plugin and addon, every bodypart appears to be blocky except the head, and nothing works. I am using pose mode and this also happens when I export an unedited rig. Is there a fix?


whenever i import any freshly exported rig this happens, all my old rigs work fine


I know someone who did not update the plugin and the addon, the previous version of the plugin and addon works fine. Rigs can be imported properly with meshes. Animatable bones.

If I am not wrong everything will be resolved if you revert the plugin? But I am not sure which version did he have.

Edit: Nevermind. I tried reimporting and it is no longer working, I literally imported the same rig again with the same addon and it even prompted me errors in Blender. Let’s hope Den will deploy a fix soon.


I have a small problem with my rig. Whenever I import Mixamo animations into my rig, the head bone seems like it doesn’t rotate with the animation.
EDIT: In the video, I added a texture to the head to better demonstrate that the head doesn’t rotate.

I also included some Blender files for reference.

Blender Files

Blender (2.8 MB)

Best regards!


same here aswell

how do you revert plugins? The New update has been breaking my Plugin ever since. Hence why I’d like to know how you can revert the plugin?

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