Blender rig exporter/animation importer

After using this for several years, I would also like to report that the plugin is experiencing issues.

Hello. Since a lot of people are very confused about how this plugin works and some think it’s broken. Actually it is broken but there is a work around for this plugin.
So , here is an in depth explanation on how to work with it:

I personally use blender 3.0.1 so idk if this works with other versions of blender

  1. Get a basic block roblox rig ( it doesn’t work with rigs which have accessories you can only have a face for orientation)

  2. Rig your rig ( this only applies for tools, use motor 6D and make sure it’s correctly rigged using roblox animator as a refrence)

  3. Open the plugin and click on your rig

  4. Export the rig using the plugin ( this is the “Export Rig” option under Export/Import )

  5. Open blender, click file then import and select rbx animations and import the file you exported earlier

  6. (The most time consuming part) Rename every single rig part to it’s name in roblox ex: RightUpperArm (This is case sensitive so type carefully and click the part before you name it so it highlights on the rig) If you exported the rig with a face you will find 2 parts that highlight the head. The bigger part is the face and smaller part is Head

  7. Press N the re-build rig (it doesn’t matter what you select but I prefer Local Y-axis aligned bones)

  8. (Only if you have a face) go to pose mode then click the face part from explorer menu then click on the head bone and press Cntrl+P and click on bone

  9. Animate using the bones

  10. after done animating click export animation ( you will find a pop-up at the bottom saying that the animation was baked into clipboard)

  11. go back to roblox studio and get the same rig in a place that can only be opened by you (not by group)

  12. Open plugin and select rig then press import animation under export/import and press Cntrl + V

  13. Publish animation to roblox

  14. Open roblox animator on the rig and import the animation from roblox into the rig ( nothing should happen except you see some keyframes but don’t touch anything yet)

  15. Reset roblox studio and open the animation editor again and you should be done

This is how I make animations using blender. It is indeed a lot more steps than moon animator or roblox studio but blender is the best animation tool and the quality is so much better than moon animator and roblox animator as someone who uses all 3.


I can’t help but notice that the Mixamo workflow no longer properly animates the rig’s hands, feet, or head. Has anyone found a workaround for this issue?

Yo this is helpful thank you! Because i was planning to make my own rig from scratch.

@Den_S trying to export the blender animation will make roblox unable to export animations

I am having problems export my animation from blender i paste the data into the script and nothing happens.
please help.

Its a custom rig btw i tested it with normal rig and it breaks

it used to work but it randomly stopped

First thing first, make sure the place that you’re importing the animation data into DOESN’T have team create enabled, second make sure there are no scripts in the place either, and thirdly does the plugin give you any errors?

it worked turning off team create but before it gave me a “keyframe sequence” in explorer which I use to make some slight adjustments in moon animator. Is their a way to do that?

(don’t mind the rig just makes it easier while animating)

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nvm its popped up

thanks for that

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Same issue, I tried fixing it but I can’t even use print() it doesn’t print idk, I know much about Blender Modules.

I ended up fixing it, suddenly started working after I updated to blender 3.4 instead of 2.83
Both the roblox plugin & blender addon are working perfectly for me.


I uncommented this

#autoname_parts(meta_loaded['parts'], meta_loaded['rigName'])

and it gave me no errors, just had to rebuild rig, don’t know yet if everything is working fine though

okay when it builds the rig it doesn’t connect to the parts

im sure this plugin is already broken because everytime i import stuff into it, it just places bricks at 0,0,0.

I know this is like 5 months old, but I’m having the same problem and have tried the solution you did here. I also have team create disabled. It just does nothing when I paste in the data from Blender. Do I have too many keyframes? I also get this error in the 21:18:19.389 Animator:StepAnimations() can only be used when the game is not running!

That error means your game is either being played or is running. So make sure neither of those are happening

Really late to this party lol, however I’m experiencing an issue with the blender addon itself. Is there any way to get this working with blender 3.4? I installed the plugin normally, saving it as a .py file and installing it through the preferences tab in blender however whenever I try to import a rig into blender, there is no option to import it as a roblox rig obj, only option available is the default .obj import. (EDIT: Turns out that the mixamo version seems to be outdated. I got it to work with the default version.

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I am experiencing an issue with the roblox plugin. When I try to import an animation I get this issue.

Do you have any scripts in the place you’re trying to use the plugin in? Or is team create enabled? And what errors are being shown on the actual plugin? And what are you attempting to do when the error acurred?

I eventually got it to work, Idk what the causes were. but it didn’t have any issues afterwards. I tried it in a blank baseplate and it worked.