Yes, though the process isn’t straight forward & there are some hitches too it sadly
While we cannot import rigs into Blender 4.0, we can still do it in Blender 3.6.
Thankfully, you can still do every other function of the add-on in Blender 4.0. Rigging, animating, exporting the animation. It’s the only reason I’m keeping 3.6 right now. Hopefully they do update it sometime in early 2024.
yes please give us code when you will fix it (im also trying)
Reinstalled this countless times and everytime i press and select a rig everything either starts dancing or the part i wanna animate just moves position ruining the export
Heres proof:
You need to animate in a completely empty place file, no scripts or anything, other then other rigs your animating that I would suggest storing in either ServerStorage or ReplicatedStorage when your not animating them and only have the rig your animating in the workplace, as well I suggest that you set your rig to x0 & z0 when you export so that your rotations in blender don’t get messed up.
@coolmapj @rudygamingroblos @Steven_Spectacle @Gemeroblox1234 @Karloka @DevKrazes @Symance
The error was caused by Blender 4.0 removing an old function to import .obj files. I replaced it with the equivalent function in the new API and the plugin is working again on Blender 4.0.
Go to line 439 in your plugin
and replace it with this line of code. Make sure it’s indented correctly!
bpy.ops.wm.obj_import(, use_split_groups=True)
(My plugin was installed in C:\Users\mashend\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\scripts\addons
Here’s a screenshot of it working:
Try centering your rig’s HumanoidRootPart at 0, 3, 0 then importing into Blender again. I would also set the Orientation of the CFrame to 0, 0, 0.
Here’s a fix for Blender 4.0 with link incase some of you aren’t familiar with editing python code.
All I did was change one line of code like this guy but didn’t realize he already posted it here.
Wish the developer wasn’t too busy so he could maintain it himself, maybe I’ll see if I can create a new Blender importer/exporter.
I thank you & @Mashend2468 for bringing this to our attention! Especially for the pastebin, because I have not done any sort of scripting or coding before. I can import in Blender 4.0 now, so I will update y’all later if the rest of the systems work as well.
Yeah, thanks. But I fixed it. (I fixed when I said Do you guys need to send the code if I fix it? For blender 4.0?) But thanks really
I’ve been having issues with the plugin myself; tried checking stuff such as reinstalling the plugins, updating blender, redownloading animation files- nothing seems to work. I’ve not had issues with it for over a year until recently.
The larger dragon depicted here is perfectly normal in blender yet imports almost as if its animations are doubled in position, and the smaller one depicted has its quicker movements made much slower when imported. I have no clue what is going on with it, and I’ve not seen anything like it at all before.
Anything will be of help!
(Currently on vers 3.6)
Hey. Try using this plugin:
This allows you to resize your animations. Here’s a useful tutorial on it:
I hope this helps!
Updated to fix issues exporting animations on rigs that contain bones without parents (typically rigs that have inverse kinematics have them), exporting them should now work fine.
This plugin doesn’t work anymore for me.
The first issue was when I tried to import animations from Blender onto Roblox Studios but it didn’t worked, only having the “Imported animations.” text appeared and nothing happened after that. Not even the animations were on the selected rig. For months, I was using an IK R6 rig I found on the Moon Animator server so I never had problems with that at all.
I’m assuming it occurred when my Blender on Steam got automatically updated to 4.0 so I rollbacked to a stable version I last used (3.6). I even went ahead and did this on a fresh baseplate on Roblox. But now whenever I use the Rebuild rig from the provided python plugin in Blender on the exported Block avatar rig from the built-in Rig Builder in Roblox Studios, the bones don’t appear at all, just only the head bone but it’s unusable and extremely small.
Here’s what I did so far yet still got the same results mentioned above:
Checked if the fresh baseplate is in colloberation / team creation mode
fixed the only warnings the plugin in Roblox Studio was telling me about (removed the rig’s decals)
PrimaryPart (HumanoidRootPart) is anchored. However, it would still not allow me to select the rig if the Head was not anchored. Which also brings up another issue where the rest of the rig’s body parts just spins in place for no reason
found no scripts in the modern baseplate that would interfere with the plugin. I even removed the Animate script found generated alongside the rig
After all of this didn’t worked, I went ahead and used the reversed Blender animations plugin on Roblox (Of course, didn’t worked)
Went back to latest version for Blender to use a modified blender .py plugin that others with similar issues as me were doing
This has been extremely frusterating for me to fix as I kept going back and forth with all these suggested solutions. I really hope I can get a fix on this or if anyone could help me how to fix this issue cause it’s has been maddening…
Edit (SOLVED!):
The problem itself were the Roblox’s rigs generated by the Rig Builder.
The workaround solution someone on a Discord server were able to help me out with was that they were using Moon Animator rigs. I had Moon Animator 2 so I went ahead and generated rigs with their Character Inserter and the issue magically fixed itself. Keep in mind, this was only done on a seperate Blender application version 3.6.7 downloaded on their Official website so I would still rollback until the plugin is compatible with 4.0.
I can help anyone with issues similar to mine if they are struggling to solve it
i feel your pain brother, i used the regular blender plugin, the one in the post
i used this link for blender 4.0 for the blender add-on
-it kept giving me error 403
nothing you can do about the spinning, i used the roblox default animation to click on the character and the character body parts go back to their previous position
i also use the humanoid root part as the primary part, not the head (don’t know why thats the primary part but it is, sigh)
For some reason, it gives me this error:
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Arid\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\scripts\addons\", line 439, in execute
for obj in
File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 4.0\4.0\scripts\modules\bpy\", line 109, in __call__
ret = _op_call(self.idname_py(), kw)
AttributeError: Calling operator "bpy.ops.import_scene.obj" error, could not be found
For some reason clicking on rebuild rig does not properly rig the build. I followed exactly what this tutorial states btw.