Convert animation's tool motor6D's part0 without affecting the animation

I’m animating a bunch of weapons in Blender and I realize that to animate bigger weapons/tools such as rifles, big swords, and big shields, it’s very convenient to have the motor6D that connects the tool to the character to have its part0 as the character’s UpperTorso, however, the way I’m scripting those weapons and the features I’m implementing makes very convenient to have this motor’s part0 as the character’s RightHand.

Blender’s bone constraints could easily solve this dilemma of mine, but the plugin I’m using to convert motor6D animations to bone animations and vice versa doesn’t seem to handle well these constraints:

So I’m wondering: how could I convert a motor6D’s part0 in an animation by script? This way I could animate with the tool on the UpperTorso and convert the animations so they have the tool connected to the RightHand.

I’m pretty sure there’s a way since I messed around a bit with the keyframe sequences’ documentation, and made this local plugin:

local serverStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local selection = game:GetService("Selection")

local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("viewmodelVisualizer")

local changeMotorPart0 = toolbar:CreateButton(
	"Change the part0 of a motor6D while keeping the correct offset",

local pluginFolder = script.Parent

	local selectionTable = selection:Get()
	local rig = selectionTable[4]
	local desiredPart0 = selectionTable[3]
	local motorToConvert = selectionTable[2]
	local keyframeSequence = selectionTable[1]
	print("Rig:" .. rig)
	print("Motor to convert:" .. motorToConvert)
	print("Desired part0:" .. desiredPart0)
	if not keyframeSequence:IsA("KeyframeSequence") then
		warn("The first selection must be a KeyframeSequence.")
	if not motorToConvert:IsA("Motor6D") then
		warn("The second selection must be a Motor6D.")
	if not desiredPart0:IsA("BasePart") then
		warn("The third selection must be a BasePart.")
	if not rig:IsA("Model") then
		warn("The fourth selection must be a Model (the rig).")
	local keyframes = {}

	for _, c in keyframeSequence:GetChildren() do
		if not c:IsA("Keyframe") then continue end

		table.insert(keyframes, c)
	table.sort(keyframes, function(l, r)
		return l.Time > r.Time
	local originalC0s = {}

	for _, keyframe in keyframes do
		for _, pose in keyframe:GetDescendants() do
			local posePart = rig:FindFirstChild(pose.Name, true)
			local partMotor6d = posePart:FindFirstChildOfClass("Motor6D")
			if not partMotor6d then continue end
			originalC0s[partMotor6d] = partMotor6d.C0
	for i, keyframe in keyframes do
		local keyframePoses = {}

		for _, pose in keyframe:GetDescendants() do
			local posePart = rig:FindFirstChild(pose.Name, true)
			local partMotor6d = posePart:FindFirstChildOfClass("Motor6D")
			if not partMotor6d then continue end

			partMotor6d.C0 = originalC0s[partMotor6d] * pose.CFrame
		local part1Pose = keyframe:FindFirstChild(motorToConvert.Part1.Name, true)
		part1Pose.CFrame = desiredPart0.CFrame:Inverse() * part1Pose.CFrame
		local parent = keyframe:FindFirstChild(desiredPart0.Name, true)

		part1Pose.Parent = parent

but it’s very crappy and not working.

Any help is appreciated, and let me know if you need additional information or don’t understand something about the problem.

Btw if there’s already a plugin for that let me know, please.

I was very sleepy when I wrote this, just realized that it looks like I’m looking for a ready script, that’s not the case, so I want to clarify:

I want to know what I need to change in the poses and keyframes of a KeyframeSequence to achieve this conversion I want, I’m not looking for ready code.

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