Blender rig exporter/animation importer

I assume it is due to Blender 4.0, the script is written for Blender 2.80, 2.82, 2.91, 2.93+

Yeah, I noticed. I’m using v3.6 rn

Additional update, rig selector, bug fixes, experimental settings and more.

Anyone on Blender 4.0 please use this, it will solve all your problems.

@AridTheDev you may use this version if you’d like to switch to Blender 4.0.


everytime i open blender then try turn on adds on it shut down

it turns on but when i try click import animations the whole blender closes

i equip it and it wont even show up in tabs or nothing

FIXED, try it now @supersayiangod241 I overlooked the import feature when testing.

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For me it doesn’t add the add-on at all :frowning:

are you on Blender 4.0? If you are on a version before that I don’t think it would work.
If you are on 4.0 and it’s still doing that, make sure you remove the old plugin first.

I made sure I have Blender 4.0. But it doesn’t add the plugin, at all.
Is the plugin named anything differently?

It says it is installed but doesn’t pop up in add-on’s

it does say Installed () from:
in the () it normally shows the name of the plugin.

I got this addon yesterday, so I’m extremely unfamiliar with some of the rigging, but I was wondering if there’s a way to export an animation with static legs.
I’ve tried changing what the legs were parented to (Torso, then HRP), but exporting it to Roblox would still keep that leg in motion with the torso.
Would I have to alter any welds on the model?

I’m currently using version 2.93 of Blender.

Blender export comparison:

Current scene:

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i would think anchoring the legs temporarily during the anim using a script would work, havent tried it though

you would use inverse kinematics for this

it just close my blender again

For some reason, when i export a man package rig into blender, the mesh does not move with the bones, and if i try animating the bones anyways and exporting it, the plugin says that the animation is loaded, but no animation actually appears. i tried with a blocky rig and while the mesh does move with the bones this time, the animation still wont export to roblox.

Im using the latest plugin version and the modfied addon script for blender 4.0, no errors or warnings on either the blender console or the roblox plug-in’s, and the rigs aren’t modified apart from anchoring the root part and deleting decals before exporting to blender

If this is just a 4.0 issue then what is the latest blender version where everything still works?


Found a new issue where I try to click “Import FBX” and it opens up a empty window titled “Blender File View” before crashing blender. This version is v4.0, and I’m clicking this button for a rig setup with the normal roblox R15 rig with no modifications.

I ended up download v3.3.8 with the older blender add-on to not make it crash

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I keep getting a “Kicked from Live Scripting Session: Script was deleted” error whenever I try importing an animation

Error says by itself that you have an error featuring Live Scripting mode that you have enabled.

Whenever you import the baked animation from blender, the plugin will add a script to workspace, which will require you to fill it with the baked animation from your clipboard. After you pasted containing of the clipboard to the script it will be automatically deleted.

So, make sure that you dont have any beta features that conflicts with scripts!

got this fixed, should work fine now I must have accidentally did something.