Blender rig exporter/animation importer

I keep getting a “Kicked from Live Scripting Session: Script was deleted” error whenever I try importing an animation

Error says by itself that you have an error featuring Live Scripting mode that you have enabled.

Whenever you import the baked animation from blender, the plugin will add a script to workspace, which will require you to fill it with the baked animation from your clipboard. After you pasted containing of the clipboard to the script it will be automatically deleted.

So, make sure that you dont have any beta features that conflicts with scripts!

got this fixed, should work fine now I must have accidentally did something.


Hey, I tried to install your version of the add-on, and it just doens’t work. I can add it to the Blender Add-on selection tab, but when I try to enable it, this message pop’s in.

Using Blender 4.0.1


Do you get this info when it is added? If not then it may not have been saved correctly.

I don’t really know if i saved it in a wrong way, I tried saving it as a .txt file then changing the file extension to .py, and now I tried saving directly as .py, and haven’t worked aswell.

Thanks for sharing this with everyone! I’ve been trying to figure out how to fix this for a while :<

Figured out why, it seems team create was on in my experience and that was what was causing all the issues. Its most likely whats causing similar issues in yall.

to disable it go to the view tab and in the show section find the “Team Create” icon
Screenshot 2024-01-06 202611

Once the team create tab is open, look for the 3 dots on the bottom right corner

it doesn’t show here since i already disabled it, but clicking on the dots will give you the option to disable it.

once studio resets i suggest you re export the rigs and re animate with the new rigs.

hope this helps yall like it helped me.


this fixed it for me, now i can import the animation from blender back to roblox studio. thanks!

Hey everyone! Need some help with a problem in Blender, basically, when I try to import ANYTHING by the Blender Add-on, I simply can’t, it always shows this problem, doens’t matter what model I try to import or anything, it just shows this problem.

Blender 2.83.9
Using the Add-on pinned in this topic.


For some reason im getting this error when I try to import my rig. I did all the steps so idk why this is happening. I’m using the 4.0 blender pastebin python script so idk if that why but someone please help :sob:


Never mind. Seemed to work after a day. I think I was being dumb and didn’t restart blender when I first put the program on!

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[EDIT 2] Fixed it! I had to go into an entirely new baseplate where team create was disabled and it worked fine. Not sure why TC is a problem but everything works as expected now.

So I’m having real issues getting this to work.

I threw together a really rough and ready animation to record what’s happening. I’m using the R6IK rig in the video but trying the same process with a newly exported rig from studio using the plugin does exactly the same thing.

For some reason the animation imports as if it were successful but doesn’t play and saves as only the first frame of the animation or sometimes nothing at all.

I’m using Blender 4.0 with the modified addon somebody posted in a reply a little earlier.

The same thing happens if I try to animate an R15 rig so I’m stumped as to why it just isn’t working. There are never any errors in the output window after I try to import something. If I’m missing something important I’d really appreciate some help here :woozy_face:

Edit: Just tested on the Blender 2.93 LTS release and it still doesn’t work even with the official addon. I feel like I’m definitely missing something big but I’m not sure what it is.


I’ve had this issue for a day now. Any specific way you fixed this bug? I’ve already tried restarting my PC.

Nevermind. I fixed it. I guess copying the pastebin script with ctrl + a doesnt work somehow

Does anyone know how I would attach parts to the common IK R6 model that people use? I added a bone and parented a sword mesh to it, and it works fine in blender:

But when trying to upload the same animation through the plugin, the sword does not seem to be animated:

The sword in Studio is just attached to the player’s right arm using a motor6D.

I know I could just export the same rig into blender and use that, but the built in IK constraint builder doesn’t work well enough to be usable, so I prefer to use the custom rigged IK R6 model.

  1. Export your rig using the Blender Animations Plugin.

  2. Import that rig into Blender and delete every bone besides the one(s) you want to transfer over.

  3. In Object Mode, copy and paste the rig with the bone(s), and the the mesh(es) into the IK rig’s Blender file.

  4. Select both rigs and press Ctrl+J to join them together.

  5. In Edit Mode, parent the bone to what it was parented to in the previous file using Ctrl+P. In this example, select the sword bone, then the right arm bone.

I’ve also made a video of me demonstrating the steps if you’d like to watch that as well


Wow! Tysm, was not expecting a full on video. But btw, could you direct me to the rig your using? it seems like the one I’m using is a bit different

the rig I’m using was made by my friend AltiWyre, i’m not sure if its public

Oh alright, then I’ll have to find some other way since the instructions you gave me don’t really work with the rig I have.