Blender rig exporter/animation importer

This method should be universal for all rigs, what bone are you trying to parent it to? And what do the bones of your rig look like?

Or, could you direct me to where you got this rig from?

I got the rig from this video:
I have seen the same rig in a few other places as well, though I can’t remember where.

The reason why your instructions don’t work is because my rig has two rigs within it:
Being _Rig and Armature. The bones in _Rig are parented to the bones in Armature, so I would have to duplicate the weapon rig and parent those to both _Rig and Armature, but when I try that it seems to work in blender, but not when exporting to studio.

Can anyone help me? When rebuilding the rig, the bones don’t generate?

I get this error whenever enabling the plugin, any ideas on how to fix it?

Edit: I’ve figured it out on my own. Rename the add-on file to “Roblox Rig_4” and add the “.py” file extension.


I got this error trying to import a model into blender.

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Blender 4.0 removed the bpy.ops.import_scene.obj method, replace it with bpy.ops.wm.obj_import in the python file (it will be on line 439). After fixing that, the plugin seems to be working as intended.

edit: someone has made an updated version of the plugin for blender 4.0 and above, please just download this instead: Blender rig exporter/animation importer - #1628 by CAUTlONED


Hii! Can anyone help me? I’ve installed the plugin and add-on (i am using blender 4.0), and whenever i try to rebuild rig i get this error

Can anyone help me?

i’ve gotten it working, but the rig is very far from the center of the plane. does anyone know why?

Before you export your rig from roblox studio, make sure its position is set to 0,0,0. Then once it is imported it’ll be at the centre of the plane

if anyone has any idea, why am i getting this error message? i’m using Den_S’ blender animation plugin but i am unable to use it. i’ve made sure there were no warnings on the roblox plugin import.


I am having a problem while using the rebuild rig setting in the blender plugin. When I select the connected option (which is what I want, as the bones are extremely difficult to manipulate in other options) some of the bones appear to have the wrong orientation.

When attempting to rectify this issue by altering the bone roll property in blender, it ultimately messes with the original mesh’s orientation in studio. The bone orientations are perfectly fine in Moon Animator, so it leads me to believe that it is not a problem with my rig. Can anybody lean me in the right direction for this? I’ve looked almost everywhere for a solution, and it seems so easy but I just cant fix it for the life of me.

This is an image of the rig in Moon Animator:

And this is an image of the rig in the plugin I used to make it:

Thank you for taking the time to read about my issue

  1. Everything worked till it made it to importing the animation into Roblox studio, it says it loaded the animation but it does not move
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I’m getting this error.

Any fixes?

I’m having another issue :grimacing:. The IK movement is a bit off to what it appears in blender. I’ve tried this with and without the humanoid scaling property set to true, and the issue persists. The only bone I am moving in this reference animation is the Hip bone. Nothing else. I wont be able to continue using this plugin until I get this issue fixed, unfortunately.

How it looks in blender:

How it looks in studio after import:

As you can see, the character sinks into the ground when I move the Hip bone. I’m not entirely sure what’s causing this and I don’t really expect to get an answer considering my last post, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

I’ve had a similar isue, I found that in stuido, when you export the rig, you need to make sure the HumanoidRootPart Height from the floor is exactly 2 studs high as well as the humnoid Hip height.
then export your rig.

For some reason the if your hipheight is more or less than 2, then it offests your animation for some reason.
Idk why this suddenly stated happening since like late last year.

This doesn’t seem to be fixing it. In fact, it isn’t even an IK issue at all after closer inspection. I can actually give another example of my issue that would make it a little easier to understand.

In this example I set the location of the bone right on top of the hat. You would expect the animation in roblox studio to replicate this, right?

But after importing the animation into studio, the hand is actually not where it is supposed to go. I believe this is a scaling issue, but the two rigs are exactly the same size in roblox studio and blender. I made no modifications to the rig before and after animating in blender.

After studio export:

On a side note, the character that I am animating will not be a playable character, so correct me if i’m wrong, but the hipheight should not matter.

I FIXED THE ISSUE! It turns out it was a scaling problem. For anyone else who might have this issue, make sure the scale of the model is 1 when importing/exporting your animation.

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Make sure you are not in team create and your bones are not anchored except for you HumanoidRootPart.

Anyone know why this error pops up ?

I was having this error on Blender 4.0+, after installing Blender 3.6 everything got back to working normally