Blender vs Cinema 4D

For my whole 2 years on Roblox studio, I have always used C4D to create items that I won’t be able to on Roblox. However, I always wondered what are the differences between Blender and C4D. So, I have a few questions about it

  • If you had tried C4D and Blender before, what do you prefer?

  • What are the differences between the two?

  • What would you recommend long-term and why


I personally prefer Blender, because it has the features and functionality required to produce a production worthy mesh. I have not tried C4D before, but my friends have stated before that Blender is still the #1 option for creating meshes. For a long term program, I wouldn’t be able to answer this, I have recently switched to Autodesk Fusion 360, which seems easier and has a cleaner interface to work with, but I’ve been using Blender for 3 years and I guess I could say Blender works best long-term.


I’ve heard of Autodesk Fusion 360 before but have never tried it. Nevertheless, thanks for the suggestion!

C4D is probably quite an uncommon program in Roblox maybe?

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Not exactly, I’ve heard of developers using C4D as an alternative to Blender, but I think YouTubers are the ones who usually use this for animating and GFX making?

Unsure of this, but I think C4D is for lower-end machines

I’ve tried both and I prefer c4d because for me it’s easier to use and I remember all the hot keys for it.

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For me, I like the simplicity of c4d’s ui. It is less straining for my eyes in my opinion

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In my preferences, I’d pick Blender. IT’S FREE after all.

Main differences are:

  • Complexity
  • Open-sourced
  • Quality(?)

Which software you pick is recommended, depends on budget and usage areas(and maybe comfort). I use Blender for creating meshes and importing them to Roblox.

Strap on cash? Are you up for a complexity challenge? Do you want more tools than provided that you can create(using Python, plugins)? Blender is for you.

Not entirely sure about C4D, I have never tried it. Pretty sure they can produce GFX easier than Blender, because of the UI and features.

Also heard something about Blender’s UI overhauled recently in 2.8, should check it out soon.


I use C4D for both GFX and meshes(mostly low-poly). Haven’t started learning animation stuff in the programme.

Omg, your literally like me. I hate the UI in blender its all confusing. I only use blender to animate.

Hey KawaiiX_Jimin!

To answer your question briefly:

It doesn’t matter, they’re just like two ways of doing the exact same thing in the end, just with different methods.


  • C4D cost money to outright own, while blender is open source.
  • C4D is considered the industry standard, held on the same pedestal as Maya or 3Ds MAX. So if you’re going to work in the game industry, blender is kinda looked down upon (even though it has the capacity to do amazing things).

Here are the layouts:




My opinion:
Blender is free, easy to access and is incredibly powerful. It is chock full of tools and widgets that even 10+ year users of Blender are still figuring out, which can be quite daunting however. Albeit C4D is great if you wish to develop for an Indie company or any company that needs modeling talent, it’s good to have on your portfolio.

Just for a bit of fun, I implore you to watch the Blender created movie Agent 327, you’re going to love the production value.

Link: ( 4 Minutes >Please Watch< )

And for some additional giggles, I also recommend you watch the alternate ending. c: You’re going to laugh, I promise!

Link: (1 Minute)

Thanks for reading! Hope I answered your question and also provided you with a chuckle!

Woah thanks for all that info! I do agree with your answer for my questions.

I was a long-time C4D user. Its interface, stability, modeling and especially UV mapping tools are superior to Blender’s. What Blender has going for it over C4D and Maya is its price, and the ease of which a technical person (programmer) can extend its functionality with relatively straightforward python scripts. Blender’s UI is pretty unpleasant, as anyone who has used it knows. You often can’t do simple things in the expected way, like drag in the explorer to select a bunch of items, or Ctrl-click to select a part, and then another part, and have everything in between get selected like you’d expect. And you need to learn a metric ton of hotkeys. The UI for working with Armatures, Pose, Animation, etc. is arguably the worst across all 3D animation programs, by no small margin. But it’s free, and it works, so you get a lot more than what you pay for.

TLDR: Blender is to C4D or Maya what GIMP and Paint.NET are to Photoshop. If you expect this, your expectations will be met if not pleasantly exceeded on occasion.

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I find this quite an interesting reply. I’ve tried various 3D modeling programs but stuck with Blender because of it’s ease of use and versatile toolset. I think a lot of people underestimate the power of Blender due to it’s foreign hotkeys and layout, but once you get the hang of it you can do almost anything. Blender has been widely used to create short films, Netflix movies and VFX.

The reason as to why i think Blender is the best program for beginners is due to it’s dominating supply of free tutorials and courses, as well as it’s rising presence in the graphics community. Not to mention their awesome Eevee engine which will come out of beta this July. I expect Blender to become an industry standard in the next couple of years.


This reply caught my attention. I agree that Blender’s UI is unpleasant to new users. However, before I switched attention to C4D, I did use Blender for a while and gave up because of the UI and its billion hotkeys. I think that Blender overall is an excellent program if you can’t afford C4D, just that its UI doesn’t appeal to certain people. Of course, I do way prefer C4D’s UI as it is a lot neater. For its price, Blender has done an amazing job honestly :slight_smile:

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To be completely honest - there is no better option than the one you pick.

It all comes down to preference and experience with the program. For example, I learnt how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 and I’m wonderful with it - but I’m not the best at using Blender. While they all have special features unique to their own, the best one for you to use is the one you are most comfortable with.

However if you want to switch you should try out F360 or Blender and see which one you prefer. One of them is 100% free (Blender) while the other one (Fusion 360) requires a free student trial for three years that constantly can be renewed.

If you like C4D and it’s been working for you and you have no problems with it - continue using it!

I recommend Blender™ better as it is easy to use and reviews are great! I do not know the EXACT differences between them but most developers use Blender™ to create low poly terrain which is great as it does not lag on low end devices.

I’ve heard that Blender is typically nicer for modelling and C4D is nicer for animating.

you can easily do both of those in either program.

There is really pro’s and cons to both options:


  • Obviously the free factor
  • Complex features
  • Yes, there is a learning curve, however, many users have gotten past the first hard wall very quickly with determination
  • Once you get past the first wall, the rest will be a bit easier with determination to learn
  • BLENDER 2.8 (Multiple improved features, improved user experience and UI’s)

Honestly, a lot of people think Blender is a sweet program simply because its free. But the way I see it, the fact that its free is simply just a bonus. Free or not, Blender as a program itself is incredibly powerful. It is supported, it is easy to get help and ask questions, there are a lot of courses on it, and videos and resources to learn.

Also a lot of people in this post have mentioned that C4D has the simplicity aspect, unlike Blender. However, be aware of Blender 2.8. A lot of big changes have been made from Blender 2.79 to Blender 2.8, especially in the department of user experience and simplicity. Along with the fact Blender 2.8 just looks super awesome and sleek now. It definitely feels like its part of 2019.

Cinema 4D:

  • As I’ve heard, a little easier to get started compared to Blender
  • Just like blender, lot’s of resources, courses, and video’s available
  • Generally more supported in the industry (However it’s worth noting that with all the changes and upgrades that have been made to Blender recently, it has seemed to be rising up a lot more now, and it’s becoming more common)

I’ve never used Cinema 4D my self, however I have seen it. Cinema 4D seems very similar to Blender in features, so I’m sure whichever you pick won’t cause you to fall behind or lack in features and effects.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have Adobe After Effects (Which I believe comes with Cinema 4D) and you think that Cinema 4D is an option just because it comes with AE, KEEP IN MIND, this version of Cinema 4D that comes with AE is Cinema 4D LITE, meaning you can’t actually do a lot of things in it, including modeling. And in this case, Blender is definitely the better option.

In Conclusion,

I do not think that it really matters which program you use in the long term. Both programs will take a while to learn, but I think that after you learn how to use whichever program you decide to use (Blender or Cinema 4D), in the long term you will have the same amount of ability to create stunning creations.

Hope this helps in your decision!


Yeaaa heard about F360 like i said earlier. Should probably try it…

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There’s actually a cool story as to why Blender is free.

Around 1998, Ton Roosendaal released the first version of Blender. The development was funded with the help of various investors and the program was distributed as shareware. Due to a lack of profits, their origin company “NaN” (Not a Number Technoligies) went bankrupt in 2002. They no longer had the rights to further develop the program and it was essentially put under lock and key by it’s investors forever.

A couple months later, Ton Roosendaal started a crowdfunding campaign to earn back the rights of the program by paying a one-time sum of 100.000 euros to recompensate it’s investors. They managed to collect the funds in 7 weeks, and Ton received Blender under the GNU GPL license, agreeing that Blender will forever be published as free and open-source software. For the last 17 years, the Blender Foundation has been exclusively funded through donations from humble users and companies.