Blisstools Development Log

:warning: This is not supposed to be used as a changelog, instead, I just post changes that will be rolling out to the plugin soon. Not all changes are guaranteed to appear in future builds.

:bell: Follow this post, so you can receive updates on new features.

:information_source: All future changes will be listed in replies so users will receive notifications about changes to the development of the plugin. If you’d like to check out blisstools, here is a link: (0.04.0) blisstools - A plugin with many small tools for developers

I’m working on a version 0.04.0 at the moment, currently am working on sorting the sections in settings (starting with about):

I’m also adding more ads (right now there are no advertisers looking to advertise in blisstools or DisableCoreGUIFunctions). This what’s new ad should hopefully tell people about update information, without having to look at DevForum or the plugin changelog page.

That ad also tells users about a new tool, a teleport system creator.

0.04.0 has been soft-launched, won’t make a huge announcement yet

No development news recently, I was working on some stuff, but overall, I am planning to take a break from Roblox (I am entering the Global Developer Championship and will be fully committed to that, during the time period that it is running for).

I was working on a default tool feature, it does work, however, it isn’t finished and I need to fix some bugs with the buttons to change the default.

Was also working on icon changes.

Not so much as a development update to blisstools, but it does mean that I’m planning to add new features.

If you follow me on DevForum, you will have recently noticed that I’ve just made a new plugin called NotificationService. It saves plugin developers from having to put stuff such as update notifications in the output, and instead, have it as a notification that displays in a sidebar.

Here’s a preview:

The next update for blisstools will be probably the biggest update yet, here’s what I’m planning to change:

  • AlertService support, I’ve recently been developing this plugin to notify users of stuff, the plugin will NOT be required to use blisstools, but it is recommended to be installed (when it’s out of alpha stages)
  • Default tool support, swap out the tool that shows when you launch the plugin
  • Making errors more clear by using AlertService to alert users of errors occurring and providing more detailed info in output for some tools