Blocking DevForum Users


Hello everyone, so I’d like to purpose a feature where you can block individual users. This would stop their DM’s, Replies, or any activity by them or to you. I’ve decided to write this due to the fact each day the DevForum grows we see more and more people. Some of those people might annoy us for no reason or any other reason. Please don’t take it the wrong way I’m only really annoyed when they troll. I’ve had an issue with someone trolling my DMs and I’d rather not turn them off just because of one person.

What can be done currently

So I know that we have an option to turn your DMs off. But when you do that you get them off for everyone there for cutting everyone off from reaching out to you for information, bugs in your game, commission deals, etc. I also know we have a flagging system but sometimes you don’t want to flag them cause they’re new and might not know what they’re doing is wrong. Some might think that doesn’t matter but flat out blocking and them receiving a system message like “This user has blocked you!” would be a lot better than a flag.

Why this is NEEDED

When ever you have a large community of people there are people who might just not get along. They might not even be braking any rules. Even if that’s the case they might want to block people. This is a common practice and I don’t see why it shouldn’t be added to the DevForum.


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For a feature request so generic and has no direct benefit to our forum, this must be requested on


I get that they’re the host of the DevForum in all but I’m pretty sure I’d be way harder to convince them instead of Roblox staff editing that code into a feature or can they not do that? Plus there seems to be nothing done with Meta seeing as other users have requested it there.

It’s not easy to develop plugins for our forum, and Roblox Engineers have better work to focus on. The community sages usually volunteer from time to time to create plugins, but that’s not their job either.

They seem to be open to the idea of users being able to contribute plugins for the community, so if you really need this “blocking” feature to somehow end what ever personal phenomena you have with another user on the forum, feel free to send them a git hub repository.


Do you happen to know where the repository is? I’m interested in seeing how plugins are integrated.

Examples of built-in Discourse plugins:

Examples of plugins this forum uses:


You can create a repository on GitHub. If you’d like to learn about Discourse and would like to contribute plugins for our forum, check these posts out


Thank you, and you too, @posatta!

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If another user is bothering you, you should flag them so they can receive feedback on how to improve. Not flagging them out of kindness since they’re new only postpones them learning how to actually behave correctly. I don’t see a use for being able to block users here.


Have you trying muting this user? It’s like blocking him. This can be done by going to the user’s profile, then clicking “Normal” or “Ignored” and choosing “Muted”. Also, no platforms notify users they are blocked. This could even result with you being harassed in other social medias.

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Sometimes it’s not needed and you might just not want to talk to them.

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Then… Don’t talk to them? I don’t see why you need to completely block them if you don’t want to talk to them.


If they keep contacting you after asking them not to, then flag it. The Devforum is a professional environment and in the same way you wouldn’t block a colleague, there’s no need to block here. Any behaviour block-worthy is also flag-worthy.


@PeZsmistic and @BanTech yeah I get that but sometimes ignoring someone and even with flags won’t stop them. Also sometimes you want to block someone ahead of time for some other reason even if they haven’t contacted you.

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If it reaches that point, you could always temporarily disable messages from other users and enable it in the future, however this may be a short term solution.

I doubt someone would ever take it to the point that they’d message you continously after getting their message flagged.

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As suggested before, see this button and press ignored.



I have a couple dozen people muted and it works out fine. I think it also stops private messages from whoever you have muted. Ignored can be a little overbearing since often a hidden post will attract your attention and make you curious what was posted anyway.


Oh wait you can individually mute players? If so can you share how so I can mark it as the solution?

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Go to the profile and click normal

(dont worry i wont mute u lol)

Then click muted.


Blocks are generally used in an opinionated manner. Telling users “just flag the posts” is not helpful at all, especially in cases where posts are personally offensive or annoying but not technically breaking the forum rules.

Mutes on this forum suffer from the same problems that mutes on Discord suffer from. Namely, muting a user stops instant notifications, but (in Discourse’s case) you can and will see them displayed alongside any other notifications, in your inbox, and etc. which can be especially annoying if you have a mental condition which makes you unable to properly ignore those (like I do). Luckily on Discord you can block users and they won’t be able to message you anymore. But not on Discourse.

Sometimes, someone wants to cut contact completely rather than let it pass undetected. People like me cannot ignore this contact once it’s been noticed, even if a lack of notification delays that by a little bit. As it is, anyone can continue sending you private messages despite any mutes and you definitely will notice them if you ever open your inbox or your notifications popout.

Mutes on here don’t really need to be changed but I think an option to block someone would be very useful.