Blox Fortress (Second attempt at remaking TF2)

Alright so I’m gonna say this right off the bat (haha funi scout joke) its way better than my old one here’s some screenshots:




right now currently its set up to act like hl2 yes im also remaking that game after i get done with this


It looks pretty good not gonna lie :+1:

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i found out how to use viewports for once lol

heres the hl2 pistol imported with animations:


Nice i would really love to see it when it is out

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can’t wait to trade hats and more hats

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I recommend removing the cigarettes, it’s against roblox TOS.


its the viewmodel and i dont think theres a back to the case and i dont really know how to use blender

oh there is actually is but theres a predrawn shadow

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i really dont know how to make a data store sadly :frowning:

heres hl2 weapons i will update this section when i add a new hl2 weapon:

crowbar works!

oh yes test here (its a placeholder map right now): Blox Fortress - Roblox
also i need some feedback (its only a few of gordons weapons that work)

also i made a place for all the hl2 textures (and i might just put Q3DM17 just because i feel like it)

Def gunna wanna remove those cigs, could just replace em with a matchbook or batteries, even bullets but cigs are gunna get it taken down pretty fast

i mean it looks good but TF2 already exists. why clone it in roblox?

and why literally infringe copyright in the process?

I’m pretty sure valve does not like 1:1 ports that do not have their approval.

So if you really want to make tf2 game in Roblox you either get approval from valve, which you probably won’t get or change the assets and mechanics a bit

its for fun i will take it down when it gets too close to tf2 but i will upload the base weapon engine

i possibly may make it a source for custom maps for people who cant use the hammer editor (like me)

sadly i dont think there will be cosmetics i cant model