Bloxadmin - Online dashboard to manage and moderate your game

bloxadmin - Game Management is an online tool for managing your games.

Join our discord!


bloxadmin was an idea I originally had in 2017, just wanted something to be able to live view chat and servers with some ability to kick players.

After working on bloxadmin for 6 years off and on, restarting many times (first version was in PHP lol), I am proud to announce bloxadmin to everyone. I really didn’t want to make anything public or try to hype it up until I was satisfied it was useful and stable, and I think I got there.



  • Real-time Chat - View chat logs in real-time
  • Real-time Online Players - View online players in real-time
  • Moderation - kick, ban and mute
  • Player List - List of every player that’s joined your game
  • Remote Config - Update a key-value store for your game in real-time
  • Datastore Viewer (closed beta) - view and explore all the data on your game
    • This requires you give an Open Cloud API key and to open a support ticket to activate the feature. Still working on polishing out the UI and UX.


Game management was the initial idea of bloxadmin, and it’s where most of my focus went. I spent many of hours making the tracking of players and server stable and as accurate as I can.


Here you can see some metrics and below a list of all active servers

And here is the modal to add more charts. We have a lot of metrics to choose from

Server Overview

Here you can see the player list and chat logs. Also on a server you can see it’s specific


You can view a player, perform moderation actions on them and see their past join and moderation logs

Future plans

There are already plans for group management, among other things, and the list of features that have been brainstormed goes on forever, things like actions/jobs/triggers, ads, webhooks, etc.

If there are other features you’d like to see, let me know!


Unfortunately, it costs quite a lot to host this service and make it as fast and reliable as it is. The PRO plan now is $10/mo, although we will also have a free version that gives you a max of 25 CCUs, at least 14 days of session and chat logs (subject to change), moderation, basic error tracking, and generally just a limited version of everything. We plan to accept robux as payment, but it will likely be >15% more to account for the Platform cut and DevEx price exchange rate, so I’d just suggest you DevEx it and use that to save some.

We do have enterprise pricing, just send us an email or join the discord server and ask about it. We do not have a self-host option at this time, but we would like to as soon as we have a greater presence in the community. We do have options for a managed, whitelabel, private instance of bloxadmin separate from the public. This option will be priced according to hosting costs, support costs, and a flat monthly fee.


For those curious,

Click to read about how bloxadmin was made

The backend is TypeScript running Deno hosted on Deno Deploy. Using the Hono router and we currently are using 2 databases, postgresql and InfluxDB. Eventually we’ll probably need Redis for caching and job queues. Postgresql is on AWS and InfluxDB is on InfluxData Cloud 2.0. Currently in the process of migrating our backend to completely be on AWS, but it’ll take some time and I will need many customers first to make it worthwhile.

The frontend is using Vue with a completely custom look, no UI kits. We host this on Cloudflare pages. If you’re reading this, use the code “devforum” at checkout for $10 off your first month of pro.

For the Roblox module, written in roblox-ts without any other libraries. Startup has been measured to be ~400ms (so when you can call bloxadmin functions), and ~2s until data starts to send. The ingesting of data from Roblox to bloxadmin happens using an http request every 15 seconds (might change) with all the events that happened. Then data going to the Roblox servers is using one topic in the Messaging Service API. We did try out some things such as using the Memory Store Service to distribute the events across servers, and we still might do it for some events, but it was using too much of the Memory Store Service quotas and I didn’t want to affect people’s games.




Seems like an interesting concept here, are we able to see the Moderation section in action here? I believe that’s what’s going to reel most Developers in.


I don’t currently have just a lone moderation page, that’s in the works. But you can go to a specific player and click the buttons at the top “Ban” and “Mute” (that’s in the screenshots)

EDIT: A moderation page has been added and we should have even more updates to it in the coming week or two


this is a lot, seems really good. happy to be the one of the first people to post on this thread.

but, how can we ensure that only we have control to our games and there is no backdoor?


We use an API key that generates a unique auth token per server when it starts and we plan to move into using rolling tokens.

I am the only one that can update the in-game script, and if you do not trust me enough, you can download the source code for the game script here GitHub - bloxadmin/roblox-lib and build it and put it into your game. The reason I do not currently provide this as an option is because I’m constantly adding features and optimizing how things are done.

We use AWS and their security controls to protect your data and plenty of security measures are in place to prevent malicious actors. Every request and every action that happens on bloxadmin is authenticated and checks your user id and permissions. You can control who has access to your game’s data and controls in the settings page.


That sounds great, unique auth tokens, source code, and AWS. I tried using your site and after allowing your site to a game I own, I got “Unauthorized: Invalid oauth state token”.


I dont seem to get that, can you join the discord and show us?


Wow, this is really useful. Might use this one day for sure!


Should be fixed now! Thanks for letting us know


I try to use it and I get this.
Unathorized: Invalid oauth state token.

I don’t know if that’s an issue on your side or my side.


Did you try this just now or earlier? This error should have been fixed, can you try again and if it doesn’t work can you join our discord server. I see that you signed up before we fixed this error


I’ve tried about an hour ago and now.


Can you try now, i deployed something that might work


It worked now, thank you. (characters)


After popular demand,

We now have Dark Mode!


Mega invest in this. Could definitely be something huge.

I tried it out and nothing feels janky unlike other mod panels. Response times are quick and all parts of this have some use and just feels reliable.

Work on the command and moderation panels as well as a proper ingame API for better customization and integrating with ingame moderation systems.

Another big thing to add is a very indepth permission system with ranks and specific mod perms for each rank, and adding things like normal Moderators not being able to kick or ban anyone who outranks them.


Thank you for the feedback!

The backend already has extensive permissions, we are working on a intuitive way for security roles to be setup on the dashboard.

Currently everyone is just added to the built in Administrator role for a game.

That’s a good idea, will be sure to do that. It has been a pain dealing with Roblox’s chat system to do mutes


This sounds great! Definitely using, even my new game has problematic players in it and it’ll definitely be useful for monitoring behaviour without having to join the game.


This looks promising! Mobile support is a bit clunky right now, but that’s acceptable since you’re just starting out.

The setup you have now has a lot of potential for a Reports feature. Since you store server data, chat logs and have moderation tools, it would be very useful to be able to handle user/game submitted reports (from the module API) on the website!

I’m very interested in such a feature, so I can eventually contribute to ship this feature to Bloxadmin.


I’ve been using BloxAdmin for awhile now, and the developers (founder) have been really understanding and already planned features that I would want out of a roblox administration system externally. I have not used the administration in production yet, but I’ve used it in testing and on my tests the module have actually preformed well under pressure. The only thing that is an issue is if your game errors at the start of the game, roblox will not pick it up until the module have loaded, but this is a roblox issue, and not anything else. Great work guys!