Bloxfolio - DevLog 1

Hello, so you may have seen the post I made a bit ago, about my new website that I had been working on. Well I’ve decided to start documenting my progress via devlogs that will be published every few weeks.

For those who dont know bloxfolio is a website im developing where Roblox developers can create professional-looking portfolios via an intuitive drag-and-drop grid system. More info about what I’ve already done for the website can be found in the post linked above.

The first thing I did was completely refactoring the backend. I basically decomposed the api app (of the Django project - Django is the backend framework btw) into separate apis (auth api, portfolio api, create api and widget api). instead of the apis using the domain they each have their own subdomain. so for example, the subdomain for the auth api would be

This new decomposed API structure will help with scalability as it will be easier to add big features to the website.

The second thing I did was remove the widget count from the top panel as I’ve decided there won’t be a cap on the max amount of widgets your allowed on your portfolio anymore.



Then I changed the Game Widget slightly. The old version is on the left and the new version is on the right.


As you can probably tell I made the thumbnail go right up to the edges of the widget, this makes it slightly bigger and thus its easier to see the contents of the thumbnail. Plus I think it looks visually more appealing.

I also changed the Game Widget Icon and the Gift Icon

Old and new Game Widget Icon


Old and new Gift Icon



So it would be connected with games, right? Ex. Live Player count, Live Income count, Live like ratio…
Because people don’t need a website with the word “blox”, they need it to be actually have unique roblox features.

There is a tab for experiences. But no player counts YET.

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I like the old widget icons better. The old game icon is way better then the new one.

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