Bloxia Resorts - Affiliation Handbook

Welcome to Bloxia Resorts!

This is the Affiliation Handbook, which will tell you about being a Bloxia affiliate, as well as answer some questions about affiliations.


Affiliation System

Unlike most groups, we have a tiered affiliation system. The requirements to be in one of the tiers are listed in the following dropdown segments:

[UPDATE - 05/09/20] Membership requirements lowered, check the dropdowns.

Basic Tier Affiliation

To be a Basic Tier affiliate, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have at least 500 50 members in the group
  • Must meet our training requirements
Standard Tier Affiliation

To be a Standard Tier affiliate, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have at least 1,000 100 members in the group
  • Must meet our training requirements, unless you are not a Hotel, Resort, Cafe or Restaurant group.
  • Must meet our activity requirements
Gold Tier Affiliation

To be a Gold Tier affiliate, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have at least 10,000 500 members in the group
  • Must meet our training requirements, unless you are not a Hotel, Resort, Cafe or Restaurant group.
  • Must meet our activity requirements
Ally Affiliation

To be one of our allies, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have at least 50,000 2,500 members in the group
  • Must host at least 3 trainings a week, unless you are not a Hotel, Resort, Cafe or Restaurant group.
  • Must meet our activity requirements
  • Must not be a clothing group, except for Kestrel
Enemy Affiliation

To be an enemy, you must:

  • Be able to accept a ban from Bloxia

I’m just kidding on this one.

Activity Requirements

Basic Tier

No requirement

Standard Tier

Must be active at least once a month

Gold Tier

Must be active at least twice a month


Must be active at least once a week

Training Requirements

These requirements don’t apply if you are not a Hotel, Resort, Cafe or Restaurant group.

Basic Tier

Must host at least 2 trainings per month

Standard Tier

Must host at least 3 trainings per month

Gold Tier

Must host at least 1 training per week (4 per month)


Must host at least 2 trainings per week (8 per month)

And that concludes the requirements.

Affiliate Rulebook

Coming Soon


Becoming an affiliate gives your group members some benefits.

Basic Tier
  • Access to the affiliate pool
  • Access to the affiliate lounge
  • 10% off in-game purchases
Standard Tier
  • Access to the affiliate pool
  • Access to the affiliate lounge
  • 20% off in-game purchases
Gold Tier
  • Access to the affiliate and premium pools
  • Access to the affiliate and premium lounges
  • Access to the affiliate rooms
  • 30% off in-game purchases
  • Access to all pools
  • Access to all lounges
  • Access to all rooms, except Royalty
  • 50% off in-game purchases
  • Access to the Prison Cell basement
  • Revocation of access to all other areas

And that is it for the Benefits

More to come…