Here you can find most things about how to request a class change if you are unhappy with your current class.
In order to change from your current class, do make sure to contact a BD+ with your preferred rank; however, remember that we only allow you to change C classes, you cannot change out of BM if you are currently placed in that program. Special Education and Honors are application only programs, unless you have been put in by an AP+ or with Principal recommendation. Another way to obtain a different class is by simply going to the office and requesting a change with your preferred rank.
If you’re interested in one of our programs, head back to the main forum and hop on over to the “Programs Offered Information” in order to find the application and as well as the rules. A short blurb is provided just to make sure that you think you’d still enjoy that type of environment. Remember, not everyone gets accepted into our programs, always give it another shot!