Bloxport Middle School | ISS Information

This post contains most information relating towards Indoor School Suspension. The rest of this information can be found in the staff resources guide.

Remember, both your teachers’ and our rules still apply to you in game as well as our chats. You will be given 2 - 3 warnings depending on the offense. Once you have been placed into ISS, please don’t forget to choose your upcoming words very wisely wisely once you have been respawned into the classroom. Do not argue with any of the administrative staff nor the staff member who placed you into ISS, we will determine whether your placement was reasonable or not, so don’t take it up for argument.

Here are a few things that might wound you up into ISS.

  • Dancing on tables
  • Using capitals excessively
  • Arguing
Rioting & Fighting
  • This may be punishable for a ban or suspension on first offense depending on the situation.
  • Being constantly disrespectful
  • Refusing to listen
  • Disobeying any other rules implemented by both us and your teachers

MANUAL PLACEMENT: Staff that have placed anyone into ISS need to properly log that in the appropriate places, if the members running ISS at the time are not notified of the reason in a timely manner or having a reason not applicable for placement into ISS, the student will be put back into his/her regular classes.

AUTOMATIC PLACEMENT: Students should be warned per offense via the warning system that is accessible by all school staff. Once the student has ended up in ISS, an automatic submission will be sent to one of our channels.

Once students have made it into ISS, they have 2 warnings left until they are banned for the remainder of the school day. Getting banned on a daily basis may result into a suspension. If you are then banned, do not go complaining on the group wall or anywhere else. Our administration have been doing this for months, some even years. We know how this works.

Staff may find more information on this by viewing our getting started guide or asking any admin staff any questions they may have.

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