Hello everyone!
I am here today to introduce a platform that me and two other developers have been working on recently. BloxTeams is not yet complete although we hope to have it finished as soon as possible, working to ensure that the website is as secure and bug free as possible.
About BloxTeams
“What is BloxTeams?”, you may be asking. BloxTeams is a website designed to reduce the chance of someone getting scammed when engaging in commissions. It is highly based on the system which fiverr is based on, however instead of working with real currency it uses Robux for developers who wish to pay other people for work through Robux. It’s going to be an easy to use platform. Currently BloxTeams authentication works with Roblox account verification, however we hope to change this and use the Roblox Open Cloud OAuth2.0 once it is open to the public (or when and if we get accepted into the alpha program).
About the developers
BloxTeams development team currently, at the time of writing this post consists of three developers who have all met on the Roblox DevFourm. These three developers are @LifeDigger , @theworldis_socruel and @NinjaFurfante07. We three decided to work on this website together after seeing many developers getting scammed. Since Roblox has put in place no secure system to allow transactions we have decided to create our own.
Exchanges: commissions
Parties: the developer and the commissioner
How does the website work
Our system works by allowing users to create exchanges and then once the developer who created the work submits the file to our website we will store it until payment has been sent, after that the commissioner will be allowd to download the files that the developer uploaded. We also hope to make the whole system automated however we are still looking into this feature due to our original idea of using the Roblox Open Cloud not being currently possible due to the lack of an API in Open Cloud to interact with a user’s currency, the only other way is through the use of Roblox security cookies that after creating a post about does not seem people want that and so we have decided to avoid it. For art work we also have a system to automatically apply a watermark until payment has been sent.
We currently have a Discord server for BloxTeam which if you’re interested in the platform we highly recommend joining because we will post updates of the development of the website, staff applications and many other things.
Server Link: The BloxTeams Platform
Images of BloxTeam currently

If images do not load view this reply: BloxTeams: powering secure commissions - #5 by NinjaFurfante07
Does BloxTeams’ cost anything to use?
BloxTeams’ does not currently cost anything however we plan to implement a 10% cut on every transaction so that we can keep our systems up.
Edit: After review we have decided to remove the 10% cut and rather have a different method for us to keep the website up.
Why should we use BloxTeams’ once it is out when we can just do it through DMs?
The goal of BloxTeams’ is to reduce the chance of getting scammed when engaing in commissions, the platform will act as a middleman between the commissioner and the developer, so that both parties receive what they agreed for.
When will BloxTeams’ be open to the public?
We do not currently have an exact date for BloxTeam to come out to the public however we hope to bring it out as soon as possible. We are currently just finishing some features of the website and once complete, after bug testing with a restricted group of people (for this we reccomend you to join our Discord server) we should be able to release it to the Roblox community.
Do we have a report system for users who still manage to scam?
The BloxTeams’ staff is dedicated to keep the community safe and civil, if someone scams you then you can report the user and our staff will review it. The punishment for scamming is a permanent ban so that we can allow our website to be as safe as possible.
Does this website break the Roblox “Brand Guidelines” due to the name of this site is BloxTeams?
Our website name does not break any of the Roblox ToS or brand guidelines. Lots of people have asked us and from our knowledge it does not. Some people are getting confused due to the name having “Blox” in it they believe it breaks the brand guidelines however it does not. If you take a look in the brand guidelines it states that only “experiences” on the Roblox platform cannot use blox or anything like that as the experience name. Also from our current knowledge Roblox corporation does not know the rights to “Blox” so it should be fine.
Let us know your opinions on this, we will highly appreciate any feedback.
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LATEST UPDATEl PLEASE VIEW THIS POST: BloxTeams: powering secure commissions - #71 by NinjaFurfante07