Blue spinning loading cursor consistently getting stuck when play testing (Fix)

This forum post is in response to a known studio bug posted here:

A workaround that I found was changing the ‘Busy’ cursor to the regular cursor in my settings. I am on windows 11 but the process of changing this setting may be the same on Windows 10.

Search for ‘mouse’ in your windows toolbar, which should bring you to this page in the second picture

On that page, click ‘additional mouse settings’ (see red) and it should bring you here:

Then click on ‘Pointers’ (see red)

After highlighting ‘Busy’ in the Customize list, hit ‘Browse’ (see red)

And then just set it to the default cursor, and the cursor changing becomes a whole lot less distracting.

and if the lovely developers end up fixing this in a future update, you can change it back this way: