Blue spinning loading cursor consistently getting stuck when play testing

Any further word about this issue? It’s been happening to me quite a bit lately which is making playtesting in Studio almost useless since I have to restart it every time. The workaround method seems to be hit and miss and doesn’t always work the first time. It’s been almost a year since this was first reported. What’s the hold up? What do you guys need?

Still occurring, whenever auto save does its thing while I start playtesting.

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This is still occurring for me also, it’s really annoying.

Heres a forum post I made to remove this issue in studio until this is fixed in a future update:

Encountering this issue every 5th playtest or so. I don’t like having to restart Studio constantly.

Yo, take a look at this forum post it removed the problem for me.

Yeah I get this alot, always assumed it was a windows bug though.

I still want to see the cursor if something is loading in the foreground.

I’m still getting this issue and I believe it’s to do with auto saving and starting a play test at the same time. This is when it’s been consistent in my experience of having it

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I can confirm that this is still an occurring issue. I have forwarded this to @Bug-Support

Still happening on MacOS when studio auto-saves at the same time as I start a play test.

Been dealing with this bug for about a month now, only temp fix is to exit and re open the project, very annoying.

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Please fix this it is VERY annoying.

Okay well then wait for the update to come out then

Someone needs to respond to this with an update. It really shouldn’t take this long to fix a bug which is incredibly common

i have experienced this for long time and many times
i just ignore and if i cant click by blinding or mispositioning i just reset studio it is so annoying
i hope this got fixed

bro is there any update on this? its almost been a year.

im still experiencing this and its so annoying

There’s a verified fix for this coming in version 591 (this week’s release).

Let us know if it resolves the issue for you and thanks for your patience!


I am on 591 and still experiencing this issue.

Is it disabled and waiting to be enabled? Otherwise it didn’t work :frowning:


Hey yall, I have just enabled the fix for this in 591. Please post here if you are still seeing it.

Thank you for your patience, and especially thanks to @Skilled_On for pointing out that it happens with playTest + autosave, which helped us track down the cause