Blueberry v1.11 — A new way to display punishments

Is there a way to cuztomise the UI? and also can I make a script call to the module and request a ban from the script?

Ofc. Read about Blueberry’s API to make scripts trigger punishments. API : Session 42 Studios

And you can customize the UI. You can find it under each punishment script. However, do not rename it or change the elements’ parents.

I JUST noticed there’s API. I’m gonna go fork HD Admin to use Blueberry’s ban system real quick :>


That sounds like a good idea! We had this idea where we wanted to make Blueberry compatible with admin systems too :))

A quick thing that could be done, would be getting the HD admin module (or whatever admin you wanna use), then into the commands modules and edit the actual ban, tempban, kick etc function to use the Blueberry API

I also modified the Blueberry punishment screens a little so they resemble the new one in Roblox’s beta app :>


That UI/Screen looks so nice. How did you make that?

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We made sure to secure it as much as possible, we have some detections on the client, but we also have on the server measures so if the gui gets deleted they cannot interact with the server, such as:

  • Talking
  • Walking
    & Etcetera.
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Thanks lol, I made the background frame semi-transparent, then just kinda resized the Main frame and modified the things inside it

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The UI looks so much better ngl. That’s why you are a UI designer Ig

Thanks lol, I made the background frame semi-transparent, then just kinda resized the Main frame and modified the things inside it

I basically got a picture of the screen of someone who got banned and had the Roblox beta app, put the image in and just tried to recreate it from there also using pdn’s color picker to get the actual colors used in the ban screen

Thanks! It also took me quite a bit of time to make multiple of them for each punishment/action but it was worth it I guess lol

Also, I see there’s RemoveBan and RemoveTempBan in the API, is there a way to have 1 function only that just removes any type of ban from the player? Or do they have to be separate?

Sadly at this point it’s not possible to remove everything with one single function. In future versions, we will add a way to check a user’s moderation status (e.g. banned/warned/temp-banned). Not sure if a function to remove everything would be reliable or usefull.

Btw, are the UIs mobile-friendly? Does it contain the same elements as the default UI as well?

Yes, I did all of the UI just by editing the default one, I did clone the small text at the bottom above the “I agree” button though.

And yes, it’s all mobile friendly as far as I’m aware but I should test it out later

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If possible, can you give me that ui :smile:

Hi, sorry, I kind of want to keep it private. You can recreate it by using this image from google
image (it’s what I used) if you want.

A GUI is never a server’s business. If they are replicated at all, it is equally as unreliable as anything else coming from a client. That is not a protection.
And as I said before, client detections may as well be out the window for an airtight solution.

Blueberry’s security doesn’t count on the UI. The security measures are server-sided.

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They very clearly said that one of the measures was “if the GUI is deleted.” However, that can only be a client measure and is therefore void in its effectiveness.

@1Luca You should remove ur webhook link. Or someone might abuse it