Blur after respawn

I touch a part, blur and Gui appear, I reset, Gui disappears, but the blur effect remains, how do I make the blur be at the value 0 when I reset?


Check when the humanoid dies, then set the blur to 0.

I’m referring to the script, how do you do when you reset, the blur effect should be at the value 0

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again, check when the humanoid dies, thats how you check how if someone resetted

explain in more detail, I don’t understand :frowning:

Set the blur value to 0

Lighting.Blur.Value = 0 

Something like this…

Can I see your script?

Also doing what I said would look like this:

    --do code

this is the script when I add blur effect and open Gui, but when I reset, everything resets, except Blur

exactly, so check if humanoid.Died and then change blur size to 0

where did I go wrong???

I tried that too

try this code:

local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local Gui = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui:WaitForChild("AbilitiesList")
local Blur = game.Lighting.Blur

    if hit.Name == "SelectAbility" then
        Gui.Visible = true
        humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
        humanoid.JumpHeight = 0
        Blur.Size = 56

-- Add a function to reset the blur effect
local function resetBlur()
    Blur.Size = 0

-- Call the resetBlur function when needed
-- For example, you can call it when the character respawns

Not work, What could be the problem???

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You could use CharacterAdded, this function fires when the character gets added in the workspace

Ok, soo, you wan’t to make when player dies and respawns it have blur for a moment yea?

I want the blur effect to be at 0 when it respawns, but it doesn’t happen

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if yes, you have to do something like this:

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local Blur = game.Lighting.Blur

local character = Game.Players.Player.Character
local hum = character.Humanoid

Blur.Value = 25 -- i don't know how you name value soo i gave value

local goal = {Value = 0}
local info =
local tween = TweenService:Create(Blur,info,goal)

you should polish this and whoola, this scripts makes that blur appears when player dies, and then dissaper when it respawns, you can change Values

no, I simply want the blur effect to disappear when he resets, above is the script for how the blur appears, but when he uses reset, everything closes, except the blur, how do I solve the blur?

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i told, you can play with values, change this script soo the blur dissaper when he resets and then maybe appear. this script above makes that blur value changes when died and then changes it back when spawn

i try your script, but where to place the script?

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where your script is good, I’ll make it on client soo starter player or gui